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A feature where you can raise your hand during a voice group chat when you're muted. Also, have in order who raised their hand first so you can call on them in order
As of March 2021, it is possible to raise hand in voice chats in channels and in groups.
This update also brings recordable voice chats, rich lists of participants, invite links for speakers and listeners, voice chat titles, and a way for public figures to join voice chats as their channels.
You can find more information about the update in the blog: https://telegram.org/blog/voice-chats-on-steroids
Talkie Walkie like mode it interesting as you said, by the fact that you actually listen what your contact is saying until he has finished to talk.
Hand Mode could be useful for example, if you're in a live or something like that between 2 or 3 animators and you want to add something so they could give you the hand to speak (or something like that).
I suggest add label: "Added/Fixed"
This update also brings recordable voice chats, rich lists of participants, invite links for speakers and listeners, voice chat titles, and a way for public figures to join voice chats as their channels.
You can find more information about the update in the blog: https://telegram.org/blog/voice-chats-on-steroids