72 Cards
Group Video Calls
Group Video Calls has been implemented in June 2021. Related suggestions: Group Video Calls with Contacts, Screen Sharing in private chats.
Call transfer between devices
An option to seamlessly transfer ongoing voice and video calls between different devices with one account: e.g., from a mobile phone to a desktop PC and vice versa.
In-Call Messaging
Reply to incoming messages from your call partner without leaving another page currently open in the app. Demo – 00:19 on the attached video.
Group Voice Calls
Voice calls with three or more people. Related suggestion: Group Video Calls Workaround You can use Voice Chats in any of your groups to achieve similar goals.
[Calls] Don't store the call entries if call was started from a secret chat
Call history entires for calls started from secret chats could be stored in the secret chat so users don't have to manually delete the cloud chat that is automatically created after finishing the call.
[Calls] Add a ringing timeout
There is no timeout for calls that are not picked up, so it will be ringing forever. Ringing could automatically finish after a certain amount of time, e.g. 30 seconds.
Raise hand mechanic for Voice Chats
A feature where you can raise your hand during a voice group chat when you're muted. Also, have in order who raised their hand first so you can call on them in order Admin Dog comment As of March 2021…
Zoom out in a video call
Please add a feature to zoom out in video calls to see the entire image of the call partner. New smartphones are getting longer aspect ratios like 19.5:9, so more and more of the incoming image is lost.…
[iPad] Outgoing video in video call is upside down in landscape mode
Workaround Rotate the iPad to portrait mode and then back to landscape orientation. Steps to reproduce 1. Make or recieve a video call on an iPad in landscape mode. Your call partner can be using any…
No audio in calls, video calls and group voice chats
When connecting to a group voice chat/voice call/video call, it is not possible to hear anyone and other participants are unable to hear you. Voice/video messages work without any issues. Steps to reproduce…
Local mutes for Voice Chats
A feature that allows you to locally mute any participant of a voice chat you are currently in. This will allow you to granularly construct the Voice Chat flow which will match your current needs. Excluding…
An option to disable incoming calls in TDesktop
Please consider adding an option to disable incoming calls only in TDesktop client. Many people never use the desktop client for calls, and for us getting incoming call notifications is an undesirable…
Your partner can not hear you during 1-1 calls after stop sharing your screen
Steps to reproduce 1. Make a private call 2. Share your screen 3. Stop sharing your screen 4. Talk to your partner Current result Your partner can not hear your audio Expected result Your partner can…
Voice Call ends when pressing the side or lock button while on speaker mode
Normally on an iPhone, pressing the lock/side button during a phone call will end the call. There are two conditions when a call continues: with headphones or while on speaker mode. Workaround Disable…
The app does not allow Bluetooth headphones for calls on iPad
When making a call through Telegram on an iPad, it is impossible to choose Bluetooth headphones for the output. Steps to reproduce 1. Connect Bluetooth headphones with your iPad, e.g., an AirPods 2.…
Channel support for voice chats/rooms
Channel support for voice chats/rooms Simply let a channel admin create a voice chat (with everyone else on mute by default, unless they're specifically unmuted by an admin - this can be a configurable…
Adjustable volume in Voice Chats.
Ability for all users (whether they're admins or not) to adjust volume for each voice chat participant. Use Cases 1. Some person joined a voice chat and he/she has too loud microphone. 2. Some annoying…
Remove option should not be visible on Voice Chats without ban permission
This issue does not happen on Telegram Desktop. Steps to reproduce 1. Be admin without ban permission in a group 2. Ask your partner to join the group 2. Join the Voice Chat with your partner 3. Long…
Voice Chat's Topic
A button to add title explaining what Voice Chat is about. Admin Dog comment As of March 2021, it is possible to add a title to a voice chat. This update also brings recordable voice chats, rich lists…
Low sound volume during voice call
Low sound volume during voice call. I barely can hear anything that my interlocutor says. Volume is normal if I use FaceTime for example. Steps to reproduce 1. Make a telegram voice call 2. Low sound…
Outgoing video in video call is rotated sideways on Telegram Desktop
Similar issue [iPad] Outgoing video in video call is upside down If you have a video call with a Telegram Desktop user, they will see you rotated 90° counterclockwise ↪️ on Telegram Desktop. Steps to…
App causes iOS to hang after ending a Telegram call
After making or receiving a call on iOS 12, after some minutes or after interacting with some system elements sometime after the whole system UI (springboard) crashes making system hang for some minutes.…
App becomes slow & unresponsive if voice chat is used for a long time
When I use Voice Chat for more than an hour, app becomes slow, unresponsive. I used the VC for more than a month with this issue and it is still there. The more I keep VC active, the more app becomes…
Not possible to hear your partner anymore after the alarm rang during a call
If your iPhone’s alarm was set and rang during a call it effects the call and both sides cannot hear each other anymore. Steps to reproduce 1. Set an alarm for a minute ahead 2. Start a call 3. Wait…
Orientation in video calls not changing to landscape
When you rotate your phone horizontally during the video call, the call screen doesn't switch to landscape mode. Portrait Orientation Lock isn't on, landscape mode works elsewhere. Steps to reproduce…
Not possible to mute an admin when voice chat screen is closed
Related: Same issue on Telegram Desktop Steps to reproduce 1. Join a voice chat in a group where you have Manage Voice Chats permission 2. Turn on your microphone 3. Close the voice chat screen without…
[Voice Chat] Not possible to change your own volume as admin
Steps to reproduce 1. As admin, join a Voice Chat and press on your profile Current result Not possible to change your own volume Expected result You can change your own volume Device info OnePlus OnePlus…
Possibility to change profile name in future group video calls
Add possibility to change profile name while group video call for a specific call in order to save user confidentiality like it's done in Discord
[Calls] [UX] Users don't understand why they cannot call because of their partner's privacy settings
Users have issues to start voice or video calls since the visible UI when their partner changed their call's privacy settings is too technical for the average use to explain and to be understood by the…
Calls on speakers get broken when a reconnection occurs on an unstable internet
When the connection is unstable and the call has to be reconnected, your audio output will be switched from speakers to the earpiece and the other party will barely hear you. This doesn't apply to the…
No video during Video Calls on 32-bit iOS devices
Users with a 32-bit iOS device (listed below) are unable to see their partners when using video calls. Steps to reproduce Make a video call with a 32-bit iOS device. Current result The 32-bit iOS device…
Not possible to open the profile of participants in a voice chat if you switched account
Steps to reproduce 1. Have at least 2 accounts logged into the app 2. Join a voice chat with an account 3. Switch another account 4. Try to open the profile of participants in the voice chat Current result…
Your voice is heard back if interlocutor loudspeaker is on
I hear my voice back during a voice call in a telegram if the interlocutor turns the sound on the phone on speakerphone. This problem repeats itself with my interlocutors if I do so. However, this does…
Video call have low volume on iOS device
Sometime incoming or outgoing video call will get extreme low volume from speaker. Kill and restart the apps will restore the volume to normal level. Steps to reproduce 1. intermittent issue 2. problem…
Missing Image in Video Calls
The app does not show partner's video in calls. Steps to reproduce 1. Initiate a call or recieve one. 2. Ask the other side to enable their camera. Current result No incoming video is shown. Expected…
The left speaker is disabled during Calls on macOS
During Voice and Video Calls on MacBooks, the left speaker doesn't work at all. Both Telegram Desktop and the native macOS app are affected. You hear sound from the right speaker only. Workaround Go to…
Not possible to mute an admin in a voice chat
Related: Same issue on Telegram for Android Steps to reproduce 1. Join a voice chat in a (super)group where you have Manage Calls permission 2. Turn on your microphone 3. Ask another admin to mute you…
The invite members list in Voice Chats is in the wrong order
It seems the issue happens only if the group has less than 200 members. Steps to reproduce 1. Join a Voice Chat in a group that has less than 200 members 2. Tap on invite members Current result The list…
The Voice Chat reconnects even if you haven't changed your "display me as"
No issue on iOS and Telegram Desktop. Steps to reproduce 1. Join Voice Chat of a public channel 2. Open the display me as menu 3. Tap on Continue as button Select the same account Current result It reconnects…
Start/Stop and invite members to voice chats as group reveal your account
Steps to reproduce 1. As owner, start a Voice Chat as group 2. Invite a member to the Voice Chat 3. Stop the Voice Chat Current result Service messages show: - YOU started a voice chat - YOU invited user…
crash of the application on calls m1
When I call someone or someone calls me (it doesn't matter if it's a normal call or a video call), the application closes completely at the connection stage. Macbook Pro M1 Big Sur 11.4 Steps to reproduce…
Users do not see the "... speaking" animation when people are speaking as a channel
If you join a voice chat where someone is speaking as a channel, you will not see the "... speaking" animation Steps to reproduce 1. Join a voice chat where a user is speaking as a channel 2. Open voice…
A camera icon for “Video Call” option in context menus on Contacts page
Video Call in context menus opened in the Contacts tab should show a camera icon rather than a phone. Steps to reproduce 1. Open Contacts tab 2. Long press a contact Current result Video Call item has…
Microphone icon is decreased in size on account switch in a voice chat
Steps to reproduce 1. Join a voice chat as account A 2. Unmute yourself 3. Switch to account B 4. Switch back to account A 5. Open the voice chat menu Current result Microphone icon is decreased. Text…
Mute option should not be visible in Voice Chats for invited members
Steps to reproduce 1. Join a Voice Chat 2. Invite a member to the Voice Chat 3. Click on the invited member Current result The Mute button in the context menu does not work. Expected result The app won't…
Recent actions show “unmuted” when muting an admin with manage voice chat permission
Steps to reproduce 1. As admin of a supergroup, unmute your microphone 1. Ask another admin to mute you Current result Recent actions show that the admin unmuted you Expected result Recent actions show…
In basic group voice chats there is no option to mute the owner
No issue on Android and TDesktop. Steps to reproduce 1. Create a basic group with your iOS/macOS partner 2. Promote him as admin (without convert to supergroup) 3. Create and join the voice chat with…
No voice chat button in basic groups
If nobody is in an open voice chat in a basic group, it's not possible to join it. Supergroups do not have this issue. Steps to reproduce 1. Go to any basic group where a voice chat is open but nobody…
Missing "Start Voice Chat" button for regular admin
There is no option to start voice chat on the macOS client when you are a regular admin (not the owner) in basic groups or in supergroups. Steps to reproduce As a regular admin in a basic group or a…
Voice calls drop after 25 minutes
Steps to reproduce 1) Start a call 2) Wait for 25-30 minutes Current result The line will go silent. About 10 seconds later a generic call error tone will sound. It will no longer be possible to make…