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Direct share seemingly chooses random contacts and not the most recent chats.
Please fix the Direct Sharing targets in Telegram. For years I am getting some very weird targets while sharing something to Telegram contacts. FIrst of all update Telegram to use the new Sharing Shortcuts API. In the new Sharing Shortcuts API (but also in the old ChooserTargetService) please publish the most used contacts, or the most "shared to" contacts. For years I am getting totally random useless targets in the dialog. If it's too hard to publish the most frequently used targets then at least use the "pinned" contacts as targets. This will make sharing to Telegram a much better experience. Thank you !
Whatsapp and Threema get it right.
Google Pixel 3a, Android 11 (last update Jan 5th, 2021), Telegram 7.4.2
To give users a choice whenever this should be done, when pinning a chat a confirmation will be useful.
To reset the choice if you want to remove or add the contact in the pinned direct share menu, you will just have to un-pin and re-pin the chat.