Cryptocurrency donations for bots, groups and channels
Show a button for sending quick donations to maintainers of bots, groups or channels using cryptocurrency. This could use either an established cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Etherium, EOS, etc. – or some…
The read-only thing is still complicated and not very user-friendly as I've said before.
Plus, I know families that share only one phone# per household because of poverty.
I believe that by implementing an alternaltive to the phone# requirement will make the platform more accessable
Instead I will like to have an invisible option on TG, which will neither inform anyone that have saved my number in their contact, that I have joined nor to people in my contacts, neither searchable through my number even for those people who r in my contacts, i.e. nobody can see that I am on TG.
And for the legality u can use other platform for more security or keep belief that ur data won't be handed over to any government agencies.
I guess that problems is not spammers, but something else, that not speaking.