Cryptocurrency donations for bots, groups and channels
Show a button for sending quick donations to maintainers of bots, groups or channels using cryptocurrency. This could use either an established cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Etherium, EOS, etc. – or some…
The search bar (on the home screen of Telegram, where all the chats are), which currently occupies the top right side of the screen, could be moved to the sidebar, with text like "Search Telegram" (and it'd fit in with the rest of the option bars in the sidebar), and be replaced with a notification bell, which, when clicked on, opens a separate list of chats, known as the message requests.
All the message requests would be laid out the same way as the main chats are.
[ If you click on a message request, it is opened in Preview Mode, so the person cannot see any read receipts for their messages. ]
Then, in the top right corner of the message requests list, there'd be seperate settings, specifically for message requests, where you could toggle things like whether you want the notification bell to show the number of new message requests that you have or not -as I feel like that could be annoying for some, but useful for others- ; whether you want to get a notification when you receive a new message request, or every time you receive a message in your message requests ; mute your entire Message Requests + how long for, etc.
+ For every message request you receive, you also have the option to accept or mute it.
If you muted and then deleted a message request, you would no longer receive messages from that person, and they wouldn't show up in your message requests.