Cryptocurrency donations for bots, groups and channels
Show a button for sending quick donations to maintainers of bots, groups or channels using cryptocurrency. This could use either an established cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Etherium, EOS, etc. – or some…
That speed is only 15%—18% slower than VP9 speed 7 but it needs 9% less bitrate for the same video quality.
Today friend tested with Iphone 15 Pro and was unable to get my AV1 video (in MP4 container with AAC audio) to show. In telegram desktop it works OK.
Obviously most Iphones currently (Except for Iphone 15 Pro) don't have AV1 hardware decoding and it will take years to get majority of IPhone users to get it (much longer than it takes for AV1 become common). So there must be another solution even for phones/tablets that don't have HW AV1
Apple has not encouraged to use AV1 as it does consume more battery (dunno how many percents more though).
Nevertheless I was able to get video to play in old IPhone XS from Telegram by click, click, click, click, VLC Media player, but it was far too hard and unlikely that people whom I send videos would see the effort.
Here is suggestions and priority order:
1. AV1 MP4 support for NON HW AV1 accelerated IOS DEVICES / IPHONES. If difference in battery consumption / performance is significant it might make sense to disable auto-play in telegram feed for these videos and replace them with thumbnail that has PLAY button icon in it. when you press the thumbnail video opens in full view and starts playing.
If for any reason it is hard to implement this support inside Telegram then there should be much easier way to play the video with external app such as VLC Media Player.
2. AV1 WEBM etc.. support for NON HW IOS
3. AV1 MP4 support for HW AV1 accelerated IOS DEVICES
Also rotation metadata needs also good support as it is very common to see portrait video as landscape or vice versa.
Something to keep in mind, even that WEBM is the official container for AV1 there is huge amount of apps situations here MP4 with AV1 is more convenient (e.g. video editors don't support WEBM), so both container AV1 must be supported, probably currently MP4 is even more important.