Cryptocurrency donations for bots, groups and channels
Show a button for sending quick donations to maintainers of bots, groups or channels using cryptocurrency. This could use either an established cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Etherium, EOS, etc. – or some…
If this is not quickly fixed, then not only will it quickly destroy the Anonymous Numbers NFT market, but it will also inevitably cause irreparable harm and damage to the reputation and trust of the entire NFT market on the TON blockchain. This will have long-term reputational losses for the entire Telegram investment ecosystem, including usernames, because if the rights of buyers of expensive NFTs are so unceremoniously and categorically violated, then investors will never feel safe again and the fragile trust in any investment in this ecosystem will be destroyed forever, which means that existing and future potential investors in this ecosystem will never feel confident and secure in their expensive assets, and then not only will there be no new investors, but there will also inevitably be a global and irreversible outflow of finance currently exist investors from this entire ecosystem, the consequences of this destructive step will be catastrophic for the entire ecosystem of NFT assets here. This will be terrible and scare precedent for all exist and future serious investors.
Simply and smartest decision: need as soon as possible cancel Spam Block for NFT Anonymous numbers , but need apply Spam Block for spamer's Telegram ID. So, real spamers will get real effective restrictions and punishment , but rights owners of expensive NFT will save and protected.
With Best Regards !
The introduction of the possibility of checking for locks, the creation of a transparent registry of room statuses will help to avoid the purchase of "dirty" numbers and will positively affect the quotes of "clean" ones.