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When logged into more than 1 client (not just single IOS device) IOS notifications come with bigger delay (about 12-15 seconds, but when IOS it the only one client signed into account it's about 0-3 seconds). Issue occurs even if other authorized clients are offline/not running. Not tested with Android. When using web or other desktop clients as secondary inactive clients notifications behave in same way. I suppose it's improperly implemented 10 second delay somewhere in push-service team.
Suggested solution: remove notification delay if other clients are inactive. Or fix delay if it's not the intended behavior.
To reproduce:
Telegram iOS 10.8.1 (28323), iPhone SE, 15.8.1
Are you sure your desktop client is really offline , or only minimised and running in the background ?
Use Ctrl+Q to fully close it.
It is also known that when disconnecting internet before closing a client, the server will not be notified that the client has gone offline, and the client will be marked offline after a 15 minutes timeout.
into desktop client, turned it off completely, waited for 30 minutes
just to be sure and notifications are still delayed on iPhone for about
10-20 seconds. I've done a lot of debugging and testing before
submitting this ticket and issue is real. I would like to ask people who
experienced this issue to test it themself and submit their feedback
here. No pointless raging/arguing please.