32367 Cards
iOS badge counter shows unread messages, even when all chats are read
Badge counters inside the app and on the app's icon may sometimes show unread messages while there are no unread chats in the list. Workaround Tap 10 times on the Settings tab icon > Reindex Unread Counters.…
About this platform
All users are welcome to create new entries, view existing entries and vote on them. What is this for? This platform is a place where users can vote for feature suggestions for Telegram or report issues…
Missing parts of message history
Your help needed: The team needs help with app's logs. Messages are missing on mobile but visible on Telegram Web and Desktop. Notifications of new messages are received, but messages don't appear in…
Emoji/stickers created by iOS galley app cannot be sent
Steps to reproduce 1. create an emoji using the iOS gallery app (tap and hold on an image object, add to stickers. The sticker will be shown on the emoji keyboard. 2. try to send the sticker using the…
No call ringing sound on the call creator side
Whenever I call my GF on Telegram using my ipad 9th gen, when calling her normally both ends would ring but for me its not. When i call her there is no sound coming from my end no ringing, but the call…
An option to disable the Stories feature
An option in the app settings to completely disable the Stories feature to reduce visual clutter. Official Response: Stories take up no extra space in the Telegram UI – but if you'd prefer not to see…
Shadowsocks proxy support
Add Built-in VMess, Shadowsocks, SSR, Trojan-GFW proxies support The ( vmess / vmess1 / ss / ssr / trojan ) proxy link in the message can be clicked
Improve the ability to search chat history for Asian regional languages, such as Chinese and Japanese
Improve the ability to search chat history for Asian regional languages, such as Chinese and Japanese. Telegram's chat history search function is based on words, and is suitable for languages such as…
Silent sign up
A feature to join Telegram incognito, making the phone number privacy set to Nobody before creating a new account. Current users who have that number added to their contacts list will not get a new c…
The sticker text is covered of the time of the message
The time of the message is displayed on the sticker. It is not comfortable to read sticker. It often happens that time covers part of the text on the sticker. And if the sticker is sent from the channel…
Group Video Calls
Group Video Calls has been implemented in June 2021. Related suggestions: Group Video Calls with Contacts, Screen Sharing in private chats.
Emergency passcode to hide chats
Option to set an alternative passcode ("double bottom") that either opens a limited set of chats, opens a different account, or destroys one of the connected accounts completely when entered. Use cases…
Cryptocurrency donations for bots, groups and channels
Show a button for sending quick donations to maintainers of bots, groups or channels using cryptocurrency. This could use either an established cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Etherium, EOS, etc. – or some…
Chat permissions: Can Talk
Please add chat permission: Can Talk. How it works If it's enabled, user can talk in a voice chat. Otherwise user is muted. For users In apps it would be useful for chat owners - they will be able to…
Notify all group members
An option to notify all group members or admins using a special mention (e.g. @all and @admins). Use cases Important news and major updates in big communities. Potential issues Some group admins already…
Choose a different default folder instead of "All Chats"
This feature is available as part of Telegram Premium. An option to pin one of your folders as the main folder instead of All Chats. When you open the app, it would show you the folder you chose. Pressing…
Unlimited favorite stickers
Increase the limit for favorite stickers. The current limit is five stickers. When you add another one, the first sticker is replaced. Use cases Choose a limited set of stickers which you will always…
Removing the restriction of adding members to Telegram groups
1: We enter the group 2: In the add member section 3: Selection of contacts or members 4: Add to the group But no member is added to our group Steps to reproduce 1: We enter the group 2: In the add member…
Live streams have low speed audio resulting in almost no sound
Since the latest stable update, audio from Live Streams is missing. The audio track is actually slightly audible if you max out the volume of your device, but it will be barely noticeable, and feels extremely…
Partial reply
Reply only on parts of a message. This would be very useful, if someone wrote a very long message and you only want to refer to one or two sentences - or even only one or a few words. If you click on…
Disable "New Contact Joined" chats
Users receive a notification when one of their contacts becomes available on Telegram. It is currently possible to disable the notification: the new chats will appear in the list without sending a notification.…
Allow adding Bots (Web Apps) to the Attachment Menu to all bots
Now only selected bots can be added to the Attachment Menu. But as a developer of inline bots, I see this as a barrier to make telegram a better messenger Let users decide, what they want to see in their…
Alternate profile pictures
When setting a profile picture or video that's only visible to contacts (or certain users, groups etc.), allow choosing an alternate picture or video that will be shown to everyone else. Use cases -…
Armenian language official translation in telegram
Dear Telegram administration. We ask you to make the translation of the Armenian language official in telegram. Not a few people speak Armenian, and a full-fledged Armenian segment has already formed…
Allow site owners to make their own Instant View templates
Instant View templates are currently created and maintained by Telegram, the list of supported websites is expanded gradually. Some site owners would like to get IV support for their websites sooner.…
Telegram's Message Limit: Old Messages Gone Forever
When the message count reaches a million, old messages disappear. Steps to reproduce 1. Be an active Telegram user 2. Wait until the coveted number of incoming/outgoing messages is reached. 3. Eh, it's…
Add Instant View to Telegram Desktop
Add Instant View to Telegram Desktop. The feature is there right now for MacOS Telegram App, but missing from regular Telegram Desktop. Preferably, it should open an article in the existing telegram window…
Better global search
Make global search a place to find all communities in channels and public chats.
No one open the video in the groups conversations without the admins permission
During the meeting conversations in telegram, some members want to speak so when we open the Microphone for them to speak, they open video with sexual content. This leads to annoy the members and they…
Add "Ban Users" permission for admins of channels
In channels, admins can always ban users regardless of their permissions, it would be useful to remove the permission to ban users to some admins. Possible Solution - It could be added as sub-permission…
Transfer ownership if creator account was deleted
Option to transfer ownership in groups and channels if the creator was deleted so the first admin with all permissions will become a creator! Thumbs up if you want this to happen 👍 App: all
Status displaying issue for iranian numbers
Title: Unreasonable Restrictions on Iranian Accounts Description: Viewing Premium Statuses: Non-premium Iranian accounts cannot see the statuses of premium users. However, purchasing a premium subscription…
Video Notes Inline
Proper support for Video Notes (aka round videos) in inline mode for bots
Add an option to disable auto-ordering of sticker packs on mobile
Add an option to disable auto-ordering of sticker packs. If you have a lot of packs, it make sense to order them in a way that makes it easy for you to find the right sticker. This has been the behaviour…
Custom icons for folders
Add the ability to choose icons for folders on mobile platforms – like in Telegram Desktop and Telegram macOS. Sync them on all devices. Use cases - Find folders you're looking for more easily. - Save…
Call transfer between devices
An option to seamlessly transfer ongoing voice and video calls between different devices with one account: e.g., from a mobile phone to a desktop PC and vice versa.
Hide messages from blocked users in groups
Sometimes you don't want to see messages from people you blocked, even in the groups you share with them. Such messages could be automatically collapsed and hidden under a spoiler (like 'You blocked Doge.…
Pedophilic Content on Telegram: A Growing Concern
The dissemination of pedophilic content is one of the gravest online crimes that severely infringes on children’s rights. Such content not only promotes and reinforces sexual abuse of children but also…
More Two-Factor Authentication methods
An option to add an authenticator app with temporary, one-time passwords (e.g. Authy, Google Authenticator) as another second factor.
Separate passcode lock for specific chats or Archive
Option to lock certain chats with a separate passcode. On a chat-by-chat basis, or for an entire Chat Folder, e.g. the Archive. Use cases Family iPads and other shared devices. Can also be used in environments…
An option for a channel/group owner to better interact with subscribers without the risk of being reported as spammer by trolls.
An option for the owner of a channel or a group to set a visible flag informing all new members that they might be privately contacted one single time by the owner/admins of the channel/group they are…
Stories / Statuses
An option to share moments (media, like photos or short videos, texts, etc.) with your mutual contacts (this can be adapted with granular privacy permissions) to view, interact, and forward. Such statuses…
Allow opening media directly from the preview.
When someone posts a link, Telegram generates a link preview with title, media and some of the text from the page linked. Ever since the October 2023 update, clicking or tapping anywhere inside the preview…
Different background images for each chat
A feature to set a individual wallpaper for specific chats. (f.e. One wallpaper for a specific group, another for a chat with a friend...) Use cases This would make navigation between chats easier, especially…
Tmail - Telegram Email Service
Telegram is a great messenger, but it can also be a great Email service. So without further introductions, let's start. It may seem like Email service is for the previous generation, but many people,…
Syntax highlighting in code blocks
An optional extension to the backtick syntax to specify a language to highlight. Similar examples are the likes of Gitlab and GitHub comments.
Change file names in Telegram
Option to change file name on Telegram without needing to re-upload the file. App: all
Requests to join group or channel
If enabled, the user attempting to join the group/channel will only be able to view the content and send things after being accepted by an administrator (optional: only admins who have the "accept/decline…
[Privacy] [Private] New privacy option to not allow private messages from non-contacts.
Like many have asked before (for different reasons) for years (even before we had this suggestions platform) and as you can see with other suggestions in this platform too: https://bugs.telegram.org/c/1748…
Incorrect Search Ban for Quality channels
Incorrect Search Ban on one of The Largest Telegram Channel Steps to reproduce My Channel @Funny is one of the largest English Entertainment channel with Over 250K Subscribers & great Engagement. But…
Telegram downloads images instead of using bitmap data from clipboard
When I paste an image copied from Firefox, Telegram downloads it again instead of using the bitmap data from the clipboard. This happens because the clipboard also stores the image URL. If I paste the…
Please Add a Clear Response button/ Retract response button in the Poll (Quiz mode) too for admins of the channel and subscribers of the channel
Hello Sir/Ma'am. I would like to draw the attention of the Telegram app to an important suggestion/request. I run telegram channels which consists of more than 50k+ Highly active students who solve quiz…
Remove or modify Telegram ad features
I really do wish that Telegram would reconsider putting up sponsored ads in channels. I've always kept it as my safe zone while the rest of the internet is saturated with ads. If the ads are going to…
Secret Chats on Telegram Desktop
An option to create Secret Chats using the multiplatform Telegram Desktop client.
No popup appears when hitting floodwait limits for t.me links
When you hit floowait limits for t.me/ links, an endless loading animation appears, this may confuse users that could think about a connection issue. No issues on iOS, where a popup correctly appears.…
Starred Messages
An option to bookmark/star a message. Marking a message would add it to the separate Starred Messages section on the profile page, for quick access to messages. While Telegram doesn't have Starred Messages…
New Syrian flag
Hello Telegram Team I request Telegram administration to change the Syrian flag emoji to the new Syrian flag among the emojis https://t.me/addemoji/Syria_Flag
Secret group chats
Secret group chats with end-to-end encryption.
Sign up for Telegram without a phone number
You currently need a phone number to sign up for Telegram. Add an option to sign up using an email address or another method, like some messengers do (e.g., Wire, Matrix, Threema, Session). Potential…
Show folders when forwarding a message
An option to see your folders when sharing or forwarding messages. Use case Find the chats you were looking for more quickly. Workarounds - Use the search option to find the chat if it's not at the top.…
Privacy settings for Bio
The Bio section in Telegram profiles is currently always public. Add an option to configure 'Who can see your bio?' to the Privacy and Security Settings. Use cases Putting more sensitive or private info…
Incorrect Global Search Ban of Established Channel
My channel @peliculas is currently the 8th largest public channel and the oldest among the top 10 Spanish channels on Telegram. Unfortunately, it has recently been banned from the global search due to…
Way to mark messages as sensitive
An option to mark a message or photo as sensitive before sending. Sensitive messages can be revealed or re-hidden with a tap and default to hidden when a chat is opened. App: all
Transfer ownership of sticker packs
Add the ability to transfer ownership of sticker packs to other users. There are some packs I had originally made for others, but there needs to be a way to transfer these packs to them without deleting…
Automatically use the best proxy in the list
An option to automatically check and connect to the best MTProxy if several proxies are available.
Bookmarks in channels
A feature to mark a message in a channel, and to continue reading the channel from this message. Use cases Long stories, broadcasts, and 'I will read it later' situations. Workaround Forwarding a message…
Statistics for Bots
An option to view Bot statistics in Bot Father, for example how many users started a conversation with the Bot! App: all
Recording calls
Add ability to record calls in app App: all
Message threads like Slack
Message threads like Slack https://slack.com/intl/en-ru/help/articles/115000769927-Use-threads-to-organize-discussions-
iPhone overheating / excessive battery usage
I recently upgraded my phone and my telegram app is burning through battery at an incredible rate. It makes the phone very hot whenever I open it for no discernable reason. All I'm doing is texting…
Image polls
An option to include images in polls
Inline keyboard buttons become unresponsive when the menu is edited after tapping on a button
Workaround Rotate your phone and then tap on the desired button. Inline keyboard buttons become unresponsive with the new "menu transition" animation that appears when the menu is edited after tapping…
An option for the owner of a channel or a group to better interact with subscribers without being disturbed by trolls.
An option for the owner of a channel (or a group) to set a flag so that all registered users become aware/informed that they can be contacted directly by admins (and only by them). In this case, users…
Dear Mr.Durov and your wonderful team! Record only sharing screen, pleaaase
Dear Mr. Durov and your wonderful team, In the group video chats with screen sharing, please include an option to only record the shared screen, without switching to the avatars of the currently speaking…
AnswerCallbackQuery doesn't show a popup with text if there is a pinned message in the chat
Pop-ups don't appear when you click the bot's buttons, in case there is a pinned-message in this bot. Steps to reproduce 1. Open @BotFather and pin random message. 2. Go to "/mybots", choose any of your…
File manager
A feature for viewing, moving, selecting, and deleting all downloaded/cached items (files, media, etc.) in one place, perhaps under Storage Usage in the app's Settings. This can also be enhanced with…
Allow bots to react on messages and get users who reacted
Allow bot to react on message and get the users who reacted on a specific message_id in a specific chat
Support tags in polls
Hello. Poll in Telegram don't highlight tags. It's important feature to find all polls by one topic. Steps to reproduce 1. Create poll with any tag (#something) in question 2. Publish poll 3. Tag isn't…
Allow to remove "Your contacts on Telegram" from the home page
The "contacts on Telegram" section is currently shown in the chat list when you have fewer than 10 chats. Workaround Have more than 10 chats in your list.
Reply to multiple messages at once
With this feature we no longer have to reply to several message multiple time, you just reply to one message and then it should be possible to select more messsage to include to your reply. It will be…
Improve invitation links
Let's say I buy a lot of advertising, let there be 5 placements every day, how do I understand which link belongs to which channel? Constantly going in and looking at whether it's a link or not is hard…
Exclude archived chats from badge counter
I suggest an option to exclude archived chat messages from the badge counter in taskbar
Rooms inside a group chat
The ability to have different "rooms" inside a group chat. Meaning, you'll be able to categorize the group chat into different topics without needing to open a whole new one just for one purpose alone.
Detailed 'Read' receipts: time when read, who read messages in groups
A message info screen with more information about the 'read' status of messages: When the message was read in private chats. Which group members read the message and at what time. Use cases Knowing…
create a support&news Twitter account and telegram news channel for Iranians
I think telegram Twitter account for Support&News and telegram news channel is needed for iranians Because Persian speakers are very active in Telegram And the channels that have the most subscribers…
Disable quick reactions
Dear Facegram... Quick reactions is an annoying useless feature that just gluts the overall look and feel of the whole chat area UX/UI. Please add an option to disable that feature totally for the individual…
allow only forward hide sender name
with this feature the messages of a group can be forwarded but the sender of that message will be hidden, even he doesn't have hide sender option enabled.
Folders in Saved Messages to better organize stuff
Folders in Saved Messages to better organize stuff. A great example would be recorded voice chats going to a "Recorded Voice Chats" folder under Saved Messages. (Attached sample mockups)
Request 2FA for important actions
Right now, anyone who accesses your account can delete it, change phone number, or close all of your sessions. Solution: request 2FA for these actions.
In-Call Messaging
Reply to incoming messages from your call partner without leaving another page currently open in the app. Demo – 00:19 on the attached video.
Support sending webm videos
I have various video files in the webm format, this is also what google's Stadia service saves clips as, so when sharing webm videos with friends on telegram, they have to download the video as a file…
The problem is for accounts that became premium and are with "Iran (+98)" number.
The problem is for accounts that became premium and are with "Iran (+98)" number. It is not possible to change the status emoji. It is not possible to use saved emojis. It is not possible to view the…
Feed or Stream with posts from Subscribed Channels
Show posts from channels you're subsribed to in a single view, one post after another – without the need to open each channel seprately to see what's new. Like Twitter and other feed-based social networks.…
disable notifications in groups of individual messages, for example "#crypto"
disable notifications in groups of individual messages, for example "#crypto"
Custom profile pictures for contacts without one
Allow choosing a profile picture for users in your contacts who didn't upload one. These images would only be visible to you. Use cases - Improve the visual appeal of your chat list. - Find people more…
Full-screen message input field
What's the benefit of full-screen message input? • You can write and edit long messages without being distracted by searching for the desired piece of text using the slider • You will not have to use…
User gifts don't scroll further than first 1000
On any device, opening my gifts and scrolling down stops at exactly 1000 gifts and doesn't load any gifts further than that Steps to reproduce 1. Open my profile 2. Tap on Gifts 3. Scroll down 4. Reach…
Android 12 Material You, Monet, latest Material Design wallpaper-based app theme
Android 12 Material You / Monet / Material Design wallpaper-based or system-accent-based default Telegram for Android app theme, compatible with Material You system theme.
Different Nicknames on Groups
Please make a feature that permit us to select a different nickname on groups, it's useful for people that use the same account in multiple groups including work (when we identify ourselves with real…
Provide access to sticker pack statistics by bots
At the moment, you can get sticker pack statistics only through the official @Stickers bot via the client interface. In its current form, it is limited and does not make it possible to use it in any way.…
Where will you move to, Green App or Imo
Or google drive which doesn't have stories and good for stories file...