Cryptocurrency donations for bots, groups and channels
Show a button for sending quick donations to maintainers of bots, groups or channels using cryptocurrency. This could use either an established cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Etherium, EOS, etc. – or some…
1️⃣ add “RSS” to the list of chat types (“Contacts”, “Non-Contacts”, “Groups”, “Channels”, “Bots”)
2️⃣ raise the limit of subscriptions (currently no more than 500 chats per user)
3️⃣ RSS @-names could use “RSS” as the ending (like “Bot” for bots)
4️⃣ inline video (in addition to inline images)
In any case, having the opportunity to publicize the feed as a channel would be much appreciated, it would be a killer feature for less technical users to subscribe to news and podcasts through searchable channels!