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Localised groups are a good idea but are mostly used for scams and spammed with nude women photos. => Standard users leave the group. Please disable by default media sharing and link preview in "localised groups" and help admins to deal with that.
Close automatically groups when the creator left and no admin remains.
Remove all media sent by scammers/spammers in all localised groups when their account is closed (following many abuse reports)
Linked also to https://bugs.telegram.org/c/1107
Add an option (protected by double authentification code) to disable "global search" and "localised groups" => make Telegram suitable for the whole family.
Durov should probably use some AI to immediately find out channels/users/photos containing unsafe content to automatically flag them as inappropriate rather than leaving this to users reports. On Pic/Gif search => nothing pornographic
Gif search and pic search are provided by serious companies (Tenor) that don’t allow pornographic content on their platform. That’s why they are safe.
Telegram is great but this is a security issue
Presently most of these groups are unusable and filled with filth
Join Requests for Groups and Channels
• Create special invite links that require admins to approve users before they become members.
• Admins can view the applicants’ profiles and bios by clicking the Join Requests bar at the top of the chat.
I have some ideas for improvement and collaboration