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Hello Sir/Ma'am.
I would like to draw the attention of the Telegram app to an important suggestion/request.
I run telegram channels which consists of more than 50k+ Highly active students who solve quiz on a daily basis using the Poll feature of telegram.
In the poll (Quiz mode) feature feature if once the user response the question the response stays forever and it becomes unavailable to solve the same quiz again next time. However there is an option for retracting the response in poll mode. So I request the telegram team to make it available for the Poll (quiz mode) too. It will be highly beneficial for the users and will increase the inflow of users to the telegram application.
Some suggestions
Channel admins should be able to retract the responses by selecting individual quiz or all the quizzes at one go
Users should be able to retract the response from their side by selecting the quizzes.
Please look in to these suggestions as soon as possible
Waiting for your reply !
Thank you!