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Dear Facegram... Quick reactions is an annoying useless feature that just gluts the overall look and feel of the whole chat area UX/UI. Please add an option to disable that feature totally for the individual view in groups and for private chats where it is disabled totally if one of the two users disabled it. It's so damn annoying... maybe quit making a messenger a bad social media platform. Telegram gets more and more glutted with stupid features. You'd better do something regarding privacy concerns and neo-nazi groups and channels instead of adding goofy features that nobody really needs.
TLDR: Context menu is way more propitious to be open than a reaction to be given, therefore it makes no sense to prioritize the quick-reaction feature by default, other than wanting to be like Instagram/Messenger/Whatever, especially when there's absolutely no way to rollback this behaviour.
Telegram always has a lot of settings for everything, so I don't see why such a simple thing wouldn't even exist in the first place.
I started using Telegram as an awesome messenger and am now whitnessing it becoming a shitty social network with a lot of anti-features which just distract from the conversation.
In my humble opinion, Telegram was already feature-complete before introducing animated stickers
This feature does need a disable button.
It isn't hard to pick a reaction manually from the pop-up window, and for me thats quite enough. The quick reaction feature causes more problems than actual usefulness and is really very annoying.
I might want to use it when this feature is polished in the future, but probably not.
The reactions themselves are a great addition to tg. Thank you guys for that 🙌