Cryptocurrency donations for bots, groups and channels
Show a button for sending quick donations to maintainers of bots, groups or channels using cryptocurrency. This could use either an established cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Etherium, EOS, etc. – or some…
TBH, I don’t care how social Telegram becomes in future but please give users the choice to let them decide what they want & how they want to use Telegram. (Personal messaging or Social messaging) Thats the best course of action in my eyes.
As always with Telegram, it's something but it's not what it was asked for and it's also not that hard to add a privacy option if you never want to receive private messages from strangers. It doesn't have to be setted by default, but if you want to enjoy public groups it's kinda a must. Or else, scammers, and annoying people will annoy you in private....
Not sure why Telegram is so stuborn to understand it.
Please allow DMs only from contacts as an option and please stop letting premium accounts bypass this.
Its as if Telegram is monetizing scammers.