Cryptocurrency donations for bots, groups and channels
Show a button for sending quick donations to maintainers of bots, groups or channels using cryptocurrency. This could use either an established cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Etherium, EOS, etc. – or some…
link is in webp format. Twitter and Facebook have no problem with that.
Also when it comes to »Profile Pictures«, the recompression of images is
aggressive and pretty useless after all.
Because apart from the small savings you get from the recompression, the
result just looks ugly.
This isn't nice especially if you have »Channels, Groups or Accounts« that
represent »something professional« – with profile images looking like crap!
My suggestions:
1. Find a very good WebP conversion algorithm that:
-» has a high image quality to file size ratio
-» is very resource efficient
Yes. It actually exists! More than one ;)
2. Define good standards for profile images
(values that both the user and the algorithm can use for image optimization;
if an image matches the standards, the algorithm won't touch it)
Telegram currently uses 640x640 pixels. Is there technical reasons? Or was 512 considered "too bad"?
3. Tell users how to make good profile pictures »properly«!
֍ NA0341 ֍
I didn't find this setting in Telegram Desktop 3.4.3 x64 - where exactly is it located?
(I'll attach a screenshot below this comment.)