2693 Cards
Telegram WebK / WebZ(WebA) on .onion
Of course, under normal circumstances, a person can enter Telegram's site Via a Tor Project but if there was a possibility to provide .Onion Like that of Twitter it could be way better app : Web K / Web…
New Telegram Web Apps
You are welcome to try two new, fully-featured versions of Telegram's web app – both supporting animated stickers, dark mode, chat folders and more. Version K is available at https://web.telegram.org/k/…
Web K: List of Missing Features
App is available at: https://web.telegram.org/k/. ✋ Warning: Before reporting issues or suggesting features, please check this list – it contains all the major features which are not yet supported or…
More music player features (Next song, prev song, playlist...)
The music player need some more features like: -Next song -Previous song -Close music player (Desktop layout) -Volume control -Playlist -Repeat song or playlist -Shuffle playlist These are some features…
All videos do not load in the K version
All videos do not load in the K version. I click on the file but it stops and does not start the stream. Note: I tested in more than one browser. I performed tests of the same videos in the Z version…
video not playing
when I play any video sent by me or another user, there is sound, but the picture is static Steps to reproduce 1. I updated my system to windows 11 pro, it fully complies with the requirements of microsoft…
Video cannot play on telegram web
Unfortunately, this video can't be play on Telegram Web. Try opening it wit our mobile app instead Steps to reproduce 1 Device info Telegram Web 2.1.0 K, Chrome 132
Make it easier to set up a username by disallowing to type banned characters
Users don't understand that some character are banned in usernames, and they try with: emoji, space, ñ, áéíóú, @ at the start, etc. I think it'd be better to prevent the user from entering these characters…
WebK is not using the full display width
Using Telegram WebK shows large columns on the left and right side of the web apps which indicates that they aren't using the full width of the device. Steps to reproduce Log into your account Device…
videos do not open
when I open video in Chrome it doesnt play, just freezed. Steps to reproduce 1. Go to any public group. 2. Tap on the video 3. Video is oppened just like a picture. Device info Telegram Web 1.7.0 K, Chrome…
calls not working, says to update when its already updated.
I keep having calls declined because it says i need to update to the latest web version when its already updated. Steps to reproduce 1. make a call using the k or a version. 2. the call gets declined…
video wont load
when i load a video it just keeps circuling around Steps to reproduce 1. Go to any public group. 2. click on any video 3. it just keep circuling Device info Telegram Web 2.1.0 K, Chrome 132
Video doesn't load. Song stops playing and doesn't want to continue anymore
So, what is actually happening. Video: After I opened Telegram in Chrome, I try to open a video, but the loading is endless and the video itself shows as error, meaning it didn't load, but the Internet…
Video not loading
The video is not loading Steps to reproduce Video: Open any chat.Open video.That's it, video doesn't load Device info Telegram Web 2.1.0 K, Microsoft Edge 132
Frozen video
Video don't play, just a frozen screen while audio plays Steps to reproduce Happen on a lot of videos lately Device info Telegram Web 1.9.0 K, Chrome 115
I cant see video
I am click to the video and it don`t work Steps to reproduce I want to click to any video and this is work correct Device info Telegram Web 2.1.0 K, Chrome 132
video aren´t loading
My Telegram videos aren't loading, they just keep spinning for hours Steps to reproduce 3 Device info Telegram Web 2.1.0 K, Chrome 132
videos are not downloading on web version
all videos are not downloading/playing in web version. there is also an exclaimation mark near the timer Steps to reproduce Try and play any video in web version Device info Telegram Web 2.1.0 K, Chrome…
Video loading error
When i try to watch video - there is only preview image without play button Steps to reproduce 1. Open video from channel 2. Here it is Device info Telegram Web 1.7.0 K, Firefox 108
Call generated from the web version to mobile is not completed, sending a message to update telegram, but it is already updated.
1.- Select a contact and dial, the receiver will not be able to answer for the message that appears. Steps to reproduce 1.- Select a contact and dial. 2.-call user. 3.- the receiver will not be able to…
Videos don't play.
Videos don't play, while the audio plays. Steps to reproduce Open a video on a chat. Some days ago the same video was playing normally. Device info Telegram Web 1.9.0 K, Chrome 115
The audio of all videos plays automatically without stopping
When you send a message to any dialog, videos, voice messages, and video messages are played at once. Repeated an unlimited number of times Steps to reproduce 1 Go to a channel 2 write or reply to something…
Video unable to load
On my laptop I cannot play videos online Steps to reproduce 1. Go to any public group. 2. Tap on any video uploaded there 3. It shows loading sign. 4. But I cannot stream any video online Device info…
Improvements for PWA
The app currently have invalid web app manifest. site.webmanifest file does not contain required start_url field. WebK's manifest has empty name and short_name fields. Because of this, the browser doesn't…
many different audios from different videos starts playing.
When looking at or videos, many different audio's from different videos starts playing. Steps to reproduce i select a video and push play button then many different audio's from different videos starts…
Online videos buffereing and unable to play them in chrome browser
Chrome Version 132.0.6834.84 (Official Build) (64-bit) Web K telegram online videos BUFFERING. Check and fix devs. Steps to reproduce Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to any public group 2. tap on a video 3.…
Can't play video on Web Telegram
It just happened. When I play on the video, it doesn't play and shows the message as shown in the attached image. How to fix this? Steps to reproduce 3 Device info Telegram Web 2.1.0 K, Chrome 132
Cannot view videos on Telegram channels
When I try to watch a video in the K version, it stays in the buffering state. When I watch a video in the A version, it loads and plays normally. Steps to reproduce 1. Go to Midnight Rider channel…
video and music
videos and music can not be played online anymore on the web platform. I don't know why is that but the videos keep loading and never paying anymore. is there any solution for this? it was working perfectly…
Please add Passcode Lock in telegram web version
Please add Passcode Lock in Telegram Web ( K version)
limit reached eror
i cant join the chanels Steps to reproduce I cannot become a member of the channel and group, I receive a limit reached warning Device info Telegram Web 1.5.0 K, Opera 88
error when receiving a call
when they call me and I accept the call. the call is dropped and an error is returned. Steps to reproduce 1. accept the call 2. the call is dropped 3. error is returned Device info Telegram Web 1.9.0…
The audio of all videos plays automatically without stopping
The audio of all videos plays automatically without stopping Steps to reproduce The audio of all videos plays automatically without stopping Device info Telegram Web 2.1.0 K, Opera 109
Videos don't load in the Telegram browser
Videos don't load in the Telegram browser, songs take a long time to load and after a while it's not possible to play anything. Steps to reproduce 1. Play video 2. Nothing happens, it keeps loading infinitely…
Frequently used emojis
The "Frequently used emojis" should not change their position once you use one of them. For example, they are in a specific order and I want to choose the same emoji twice (like putting two red hearts…
Show sensitive content toggle, missing on both WebK and WebZ Telegrams Web
I may need to write this message for again, not for Spam but because yo can't select more than one version, and it affects both K and Z Web Telegram but no the usual Web, Telegram Web (the normal, legacy…
Sound notification button won´t stay checked Steps to reproduce When turning on, under configuration, and clicking the turn on sound notification, after going back on the page, it won´t save my checked…
cannot recieve code on mobile
cannot recieve a verification code on my phone Steps to reproduce type in my phone number asks if its my phone number i click yes but no verification code comes Device info android
not playing video
my videos can not play on telegram linked on my pc Steps to reproduce videos Device info laptop
Videos don't work
Videos won't open, they keep reloading and never finish reloading Steps to reproduce 1. Go to any public group. 2. Select a video and tap send. 4. The app crashes! Device info Telegram Web 2.1.0 K, Chrome…
Select an emoji by it name with :
The ":" for select an emoji by it's name feature doesn't work
Add option to disable suggestions for emojis
Add option in settings to disable suggestions for emojis appearing when typing out text. This interferes with those of us trying to send messages with quick smileys like :P :U :D etc.
"Updating" status
The "updating" message does not change even after a close the browser, restart, and open the app again. New messages do not come in, even though I can send messages. Steps to reproduce Open the web page…
The audio of all videos plays automatically without stopping
When i post something on my channel all the videos that i sended in this days are playing automatically, i tried pausing those videos but it didn´t work Steps to reproduce 1. Go to a channel 2. write…
All last videos play together on background in chat while watching one of them.
Opening last videos in chat often opens other videos from the same chat playing voice on background which is annoying. Steps to reproduce 1. Open chat with friend and watch videos. 2. If dont appears…
K version does not load
I'm trying to open the web version of K's telegram in my browser, but nothing loads beyond this page. Chrome is the latest version, everything loads in Safari. I tried to disable all extensions, but it…
always loading Steps to reproduce 1.ANY GROUP 2.tap any video.3always loading Device info Telegram Web 2.1.0 K, Chrome 132
video won't play in Google Chrome 132
video won't play in Google Chrome 132 Steps to reproduce No Telegram videos are played. Device info Telegram Web 2.1.0 K, Chrome 132
unfortunately this video cannot be played on telegram web
Unfortunately this video cannot be played on telegram web. Try opening it with our desktop app instead. Steps to reproduce Videos don't play in groups Device info Telegram Web 2.1.0 K, Chrome 132
video can't be play on Telegram Web
Unfortunately, this video can't be play on Telegram Web. Try opening it wit our mobile app instead Steps to reproduce 1. Go to any public group. 2. Tap on the paperclip icon. 3. Select a video and tap…