207 Suggestions
Telegram WebK / WebZ(WebA) on .onion
Of course, under normal circumstances, a person can enter Telegram's site Via a Tor Project but if there was a possibility to provide .Onion Like that of Twitter it could be way better app : Web K / Web…
More music player features (Next song, prev song, playlist...)
The music player need some more features like: -Next song -Previous song -Close music player (Desktop layout) -Volume control -Playlist -Repeat song or playlist -Shuffle playlist These are some features…
Make it easier to set up a username by disallowing to type banned characters
Users don't understand that some character are banned in usernames, and they try with: emoji, space, ñ, áéíóú, @ at the start, etc. I think it'd be better to prevent the user from entering these characters…
WebK is not using the full display width
Using Telegram WebK shows large columns on the left and right side of the web apps which indicates that they aren't using the full width of the device. Steps to reproduce Log into your account Device…
Improvements for PWA
The app currently have invalid web app manifest. site.webmanifest file does not contain required start_url field. WebK's manifest has empty name and short_name fields. Because of this, the browser doesn't…
Please add Passcode Lock in telegram web version
Please add Passcode Lock in Telegram Web ( K version)
Frequently used emojis
The "Frequently used emojis" should not change their position once you use one of them. For example, they are in a specific order and I want to choose the same emoji twice (like putting two red hearts…
Show sensitive content toggle, missing on both WebK and WebZ Telegrams Web
I may need to write this message for again, not for Spam but because yo can't select more than one version, and it affects both K and Z Web Telegram but no the usual Web, Telegram Web (the normal, legacy…
Select an emoji by it name with :
The ":" for select an emoji by it's name feature doesn't work
Add option to disable suggestions for emojis
Add option in settings to disable suggestions for emojis appearing when typing out text. This interferes with those of us trying to send messages with quick smileys like :P :U :D etc.
Add: file size for files
Add the file size and kind for files (e.g. audio, video aso.) so that we users know how big a the file is before we download it and what file it is (jpg, mp4, exe aso.).
An option to reply the messages by swipe or double click. Currently you should open the context menu and click on the 'Reply' option.
Disable auto emoji completion
Currently, when I enter a message such as "That was a fun evening :D" and press enter to send the message, the characters - :D - are transformed into a dress. This is a shortcut for the emojis, I get…
Restore chat
Please provide a feature to restore deleted chats or deleted pins for 24 hours please, when i accidentally deleted my chat there is no way for me to restore it and it is a salient problem for other users…
Select all the two step verification password field when is incorrect
When the password is incorrect, it just tells you so, but to try again, one must delete the try by keeping pressed the del button. If, instead, the field got all selected automatically, one would only…
Add keyboard shortcuts to navigate between chats
Add keyboard shortcuts to navigate between chats like the old web version does: if you are in a chat, you can press escape twice to go to searchbar if you search you can use up and down arrows to select…
Custom quick messaging system
Is it possible to implement a custom quick messaging system in the web version? For example: "Hello!", "Goodbye", "Good luck", etc.
An option to disable Popular Stickers from the Suggested Stickers section
A feature that allows to prevent Popular Stickers from appearing in the Suggested Stickers tab.
scroll bar
Add a vertical scroll bar in the chats.
Customizable accent color
Please expose the ability to customize the accent color. Currently for the dark theme the accent color is predefined (purple). Please add the ability to change it to user-defined
Time Format Option
Please consider providing an option to switch between 24-hour and 12-hour time format.
Folder Ordering
Please add the ability to reorder the folders from the folders CRUD interface.
Implementing Telegram Desktop hotkeys
There is already a hotkey (up arrow) for editing the last sent message. However, other useful hotkeys that can be implemented, such as quickly selecting a message to reply to (ctrl+up) and doing a search…
PageUp and PageDown keys for WebK, please.
Hi: I have noticed that "PgUp" and "PgDwn" keys on WebkTelegram don't work; would be nice to implement them again. I'm using it on Kubuntu 20.04 and Firefox 88. Thanks.
Smart TV
For Z or K Sites do not open on my LG smart TV Add the possibility of logging on to smart TVs. also if possible, reduce the use of ram to the maximum, so that we users can watch long videos, example 2…
Add tooltips (title attributes) to buttons
Please add title attributes (tooltips) to all buttons in the webk app. This helps accessibility. Sometimes I’m not sure what a button will do when clicked, e.g. the pinned-message-close button (The ×…
More options for Auto-Download Media
More options for Auto-Download Media It shouldn´t be just where I want to auto download. It should also be decidable where i want to download what (pictures, videos, audio) an up to which size, like it…
completion of user names
Autocompletion of user names starting with @ doesn't work. That is a very useful function which should be implemented.
Find username in a group
It would be nice if we could search usernames in a group in webz/k. Sometimes it gets a bit hard finding specific people in large groups because right now you can only view members in a group by scrolling.…
Implement the voice calls and live stream on mozilla firefox
Currently voice calls and live stream work only on few browsers like Edge, chrome and not on Mozilla Firefox updated to the latest version too. Both webk and webz versions. Please add the support for…
Make WebK code public!
Hey! can we view the original unpacked source code?
Add Desktop Notifications settings like there are in legacy Web Telegram
Please add "Desktop Notifications" settings like in legacy; let us deactivate notifications, sounds and/or message preview in notifications. I use Rambox for my 4 most used messaging services and Telegram…
Alt + (UP | DOWN) shorcut
Support Alt + (UP | DOWN) shortcut to change between conversations as desktop and default web app does
Add: Time switch for light-/dark theme
I just want to use the dark theme at night. So a time switch for light-/dark theme in the settings would be useful.
Playback options and key binding
Playback options and key bindings, like it´s on Youtube, just add playback speed x2.5 and x3.
block user feature is missing
An option to block a user just like on desktop or mobile version
Why can't just zoom image file like Whatsapp?
Vazir Font for persian language
Add Vazir Font for persian language https://rastikerdar.github.io/vazir-font
Translate channel pages on the web
Translate channel pages on the web
Cant Forward Morethan One Message
If I want to forward more than one message there is no option to forward multiple messages at a time. This is an important feature for many users.
[Desktop/Web] Ability to open the context menu of the message by left click or hover
A way to open the context menu of a message by left-click, since right-clicking is a complex thing for users that are not familiar* with desktop devices. Suggested implementation Show a down arrow icon…
Scroll back through chat history using arrows and Page Down/Page Up keys
In the current Web apps (WebK and WebZ), there's no way to go back through chat history using keyboard keys. This is specially problematic for mouse-less devices such as laptops. It would be great that…
Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+0 to jump to "Saved Messages"
Bind keyboard shortcut Ctrl+0 to jump to "Saved Messages", as already happening in Telegram Web Z
Please add Chinese into the Language choice, would love to use web version instead of desktop app if there is Chinese. Thanks!
Use the automatic color by the system
Please, add the option to change the background theme based on the system color, using the prefers-color-scheme. It'd better if the Telegram WebK give the option to set automatic system), dark or white…
Please share the changelog for the app as we get the changelog for the android app on the Play Store. ✌🏼
Selecting Messages as easy as in the old web version
Selecting Messages should be as easy as in the old web version. At the moment you have to go to the menu (top right) to choose "Select Messages".
Hotkey to hide/open chats list on Desktop
Steps to reproduce 1. Tap hotkey to hide chats list in a moment if someone comes to your PC. 2. Tap it again to open it. Current result There's hard to hide and open chats list panel with mouse. Expected…
I can't forward a message / post to multiple channels ('k' version)
Allow forwarding of a message to multiple channels ('k' version), just like it can be done in the desktop application
Emoji suggestions pop up unnecessarily
The emoji picker pops up at the beginning of each new message. That is incredibly annoying and I really wish it would be disabled or disable-able. Steps to reproduce 1. Go to any public group 2. Start…