2303 Issues
Telegram downloads images instead of using bitmap data from clipboard
When I paste an image copied from Firefox, Telegram downloads it again instead of using the bitmap data from the clipboard. This happens because the clipboard also stores the image URL. If I paste the…
Synchronization issues
On August 27, synchronization problems began. What do I mean? For example, I am subscribed to more than 50 channels and previously new messages in them were displayed instantly as the admins published…
x2 speed sound distortion in Desktop
x2 speed distorts audio in an unusual way Makes speech specially bad, but this sample of white noise shows enough Steps to reproduce 1. any chat 2. any playable media 3. Speed it up to x2 4. Notice the…
Admins missing the Stream With option under stream button for channel
Admins with full privileges, including manager live streams, does not see the Stream With option in order to start re-stream. Only the owner sees the Stream With option. Steps to reproduce Go to your…
Searching by hashtags does not work for files that are not images
Searching by hashtags does not work for files that are not images Steps to reproduce 1. Send a message in a public group with #hashtag 2. Send another one but this time make it a .7z file attachment with…
It seems the recent update made "Ctrl+Shift+2" combination to switch to the second account. But in Persian it's a shortcut for half-space. Essentially it caused to lose an alphabet letter in the Desktop version.
The recent update made "Ctrl+Shift+2" combination as a shortcut that switches to the second account. However n Persian keyboard this combination is a shortcut for frequently "half-space". Essentially…
Image viewer inside Telegram for links preview are gone
Admin Dog Comment This is the expected behavior at the moment. It may change in future. More info in the comment section. Images are no longer able to be previewed from embeds, unless the link is directly…
The "contact joined Telegram" option is disabled, but pop-up notifications always come
The "contact joined Telegram" option is disabled, but notifications always come. This bug has been appear for years, the option is always turned off for me, but I constantly get damn notifications with…
Windows App - UI Scale/Resolution on multiple screens
On Windows with multiple screens of different resolutions, the app does not update its resolution. On a 2736 1824 screen we have to set the telgram resolution to 200% and on a 1920 1080 the application…
Contacts whose names start with an accented letter shouldn't be listed at the end
Alphabetical sorting in the Contact list doesn't consider accented letters as regular ones, so contacts whose names start with an accent letter aren't grouped inside the regular letter. Reproduction steps…
Pinned message does not disappear on your side
Steps to reproduce 1. In a private chat ask your conversation partner to pin and unpin a message 2. Close the app from recent tasks or force close it (you may need to do it several times) 3. Open the…
No audio in calls, video calls and group voice chats
When connecting to a group voice chat/voice call/video call, it is not possible to hear anyone and other participants are unable to hear you. Voice/video messages work without any issues. Steps to reproduce…
Wrond geolocation in active sessions
Wrong geolocation for and Displayed Cherkessk, Russia instead of Lviv, Ukraine. Correct data is: prefix;country_code;region_code;city;postal;UA;UA-46;Lviv;79024…
Give back group links that have been taken without notice
I'm an admin of a group chat, a few months ago the public link stopped working. Now the link gives the message "username not found" but it shows up as taken if I try to use it. The t.me link to the group…
[32 bit app build] The app does not auto-download the media even if the settings allow to do that
As in the title. Steps to reproduce 1. Enable auto-download media for chats/channels/whatever. 2. Go to any chat/channel/whatever that has posts with pictures, videos, etc. 3. See the blurry thumbnail…
No background noise suppression
Telegram apps detects that certain sounds aren't speech (e.g. keyboard clicking), and doesn't light up the mic visually, but it still sends the sound to other participants in a group voice chat. Steps…
Chat history is not showing for a user in Group after Enabled and rejoin the group.
Chat history is not showing for a user in Group after Enabled and rejoin the group. Steps to reproduce 1) UserX join a group via invite link (Chat History Disabled) - user not see chat history 2) Admin…
MTProto notifies bots about reactions
When a user puts a reaction on a message for the first time (i.e. the message hasn't received any reaction yet), the MTProto sends to all bots in the group an update that the message has been edited.…
A generic message is shown when adding a user that joined too many groups and channels
If you try to add a user who has joined too many supergroups and channels, the app show the message : 'Could not add user. Please try again later.' The following text should appear as on Telegram for…
Shared webp images act like stickers (Windows)
As requested in https://bugs.telegram.org/c/4360/6 this is a ticket for Telegram Desktop (Windows). Webp images behave like stickers, not like other images. They do not appear in the image gallery. They…
Crazy emoji
When using Telegram, a window with emoji constantly pops up. This is very annoying. Please make it possible to remove this function in the settings. Steps to reproduce When using the application, the…
[List of Issues] Upgrade to a Supergroup
Colection of app, bot API o server problems that cause friction after the upgrade. Server-Side 1. [Fixed] Group description is lost after the upgrade 1. [Intended] All messages are marked as read by…
sendDocument tgs stickers problem
I have problem with Telegram Bot API. When i send any *.tgs sticker from bot to private chat it's have document type, also i get response "mime_type":"application/x-bad-tgsticker". Before i didn't have…
No bot commands list in groups
Many bots don't show their commands (by pressing "/" or typing "/") in public groups. Steps to reproduce 1. Open Telegram Desktop 2. Add a bot @snovideniyaBot to a public group 3. Press '/' or type '/'…
Play audio files without sorting.
After playing an audio file or voice/video message, the next audio file from another thread in the group is played. The same problem is observed when viewing comments to a certain post. Shuffle mode,…
Download speed
Download speed for videos is low even with Premium Steps to reproduce 1. Try to download video https://t.me/dvachannel/82385 or https://t.me/dvachannel/74593 and look at the download speed 2. Try to download…
Voice message distortion (2x speed, PC)
The double speed of the voice message distorts the voice and the purity of the message from the desktop version of telegrams, everything works well from the phone (example of the desktop and phone versions…
Media items from DC2 are not downloading with a specific ISP (BSNL) in India
Steps to reproduce 1. Try downloading media from a different DC from the connectivity test channel https://t.me/connectivity_test Current result All media except DC2 is downloaded Expected result All…
Cannot unpin messages pinned before the upgrade to supergroup
Related: - [List of Issues] Upgrade to a Supergroup - Similar issue on iOS If you have a basic group chat that already has Pinned Messages, then you upgrade the basic group chat to a supergroup, it won't…
Can't hear last people entering voice chat if voice chat has more than 5 people.
Can't hear last people entering voice chat if voice chat has more than 5 people. This happens on all platforms. Steps to reproduce 1. Have 5 people in the same voice chat. 2. Have another person join…
[Ubuntu 20.04] Mouse wheel scrolling stops working
Sometimes scrolling (with a mouse wheel) stops working. In groups or channels, doesn't matter. Only restarting telegram helps. Steps to reproduce Don't know how to reproduce it, it happens randomly Device…
Webapp with no session
The webapp are dont keeping the session variables (im using PHP). When i login, the new page are loaded with no session Steps to reproduce The webapp are dont keeping the session variables (im using PHP).…
Play music in topics
The Musics in a singular topic won't be played as a playlist. When i play music in topic and i want to go to the next or previous music, it plays musics of other topics. Steps to reproduce 1. Go to any…
Memory leak when videos autoplay feature used on Windows
The app uses too much memory when scrolling groups and channels containing numerous videos; once a specific amount (which may vary) is exceeded, this could lead to a crash. Workaround Go to Settings >…
Accessibility in Telegram desktop for blind users
Hello, Telegram desktop is not accessible for blind users. Screen readers don't read nothing for them when they open Telegram desktop. Steps to reproduce 1. run your screen reader like NVDA 2. Open Telegram…
Numbers are reversed in member count, polls, etc when the app is set to a RTL language (Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, etc)
Examples The number: 13 is displayed 31 in poll voters count! The number: 159 is displayed 951 in chat members count! * The number of the version is: 2.1.6, and it's displayed 6.1.2! You can find this…
Problem with calling in Telegram Desktop
I can not make voice or video calls in Telegram Desktop. While my internet connection is not a problem. It gets stuck at this stage (exchanging encryption keys) and then finally says "failed to connect".…
Font of some non-latin character sets appear specially small
Steps to reproduce 1. Send messages in a non-latin characters set (notably Thai) 2. Send messages in a latin characters set (e.g. English) Current result Text is notably smaller in the former case, almost…
Verification code does not arrive when using SMS
When I try to register a new account or log into an already existing account from any desktop app or web app no SMS with the code is recieved. Device info Any Desktop app or Web app Admin Dog comment…
Quiz description 3
If you create a quiz with a description of more than three lines, then they merge into one Steps to reproduce 1. Create a quiz 2. Enter 4 lines into the description 3. Post a quize Device info Telegram…
stickers that make telegram crash
If you open these stickers in the Telegram app (it works on both Android 11 and Windows 10), the CPU and RAM load reaches 100%. After a few seconds, Telegram freezes and crashes. Other users who have…
Play music from bottom to top order
Play music bottom to top (currently top to bottom). No one want's to listen to a song over and over again. It's a big deal for me and probably other desktop users. Thanks❤ Steps to reproduce 1. Go to…
Server-side API bug: Dash/line in file names (if long enough) changes into underscore after sending to Telegram
Server-side API bug: Dash/line in file names (if long enough) changes into underscore after sending to Telegram Steps to reproduce 1. Create and save file with the following name on your computer: "2021…
Unknown people appear in the contact list
If you have contacts in your Telegram account which you don't recognize, you have most likely logged in on another person's phone – and uploaded their contacts to your account by accident. You can wipe…
Folder bar stays in dark theme constantly
With any light mode theme selected, the folder bar remains in dark mode. Steps to reproduce 1. Open Telegram Desktop. 2. If there isn't any folder created, create one. 3. Disable night mode from the top…
Not possible to use media keys to control music
When you use music control keys (F7-F9) in Telegram Desktop on macOS, the app doesn't react to these actions (previous and next track, pause and play). Steps to reproduce 1. Play a song in Telegram 2.…
Not possible to drag and drop files from an album
Not possible to drag and drop files grouped into an album from the app. Steps to reproduce 1. Try to drag & drop any of grouped files Current result It doesn't matter which file you drag. Only the last…
Desktop app only uses the scaling of the main monitor
Windows Main Monitor is a 4K Display with zoom set to 150%, the Screenshot shows the right-handed Full-HD Monitor displaying Telegram with 150% zoom. Steps to reproduce 1. Open Telegram anywhere, it does…
App crashes when changing volume of an audio file
Steps to reproduce 1. Play any audio file 2. Press the speaker icon or hover over it to adjust the volume Current result App crashes Expected result It is possible to change the volume of the audio file…
Accent color not respected in classic theme after reopening app
The accent color set to the "Classic" theme is not applied when opening the app. Steps to reproduce 1) Go to Settings -> Chat Settings 2) Set the "Classic" theme and select a different accent color from…