13139 Issues
iOS badge counter shows unread messages, even when all chats are read
Badge counters inside the app and on the app's icon may sometimes show unread messages while there are no unread chats in the list. Workaround Tap 10 times on the Settings tab icon > Reindex Unread Counters.…
Missing parts of message history
Your help needed: The team needs help with app's logs. Messages are missing on mobile but visible on Telegram Web and Desktop. Notifications of new messages are received, but messages don't appear in…
Removing the restriction of adding members to Telegram groups
1: We enter the group 2: In the add member section 3: Selection of contacts or members 4: Add to the group But no member is added to our group Steps to reproduce 1: We enter the group 2: In the add member…
Telegram's Message Limit: Old Messages Gone Forever
When the message count reaches a million, old messages disappear. Steps to reproduce 1. Be an active Telegram user 2. Wait until the coveted number of incoming/outgoing messages is reached. 3. Eh, it's…
Status displaying issue for iranian numbers
Title: Unreasonable Restrictions on Iranian Accounts Description: Viewing Premium Statuses: Non-premium Iranian accounts cannot see the statuses of premium users. However, purchasing a premium subscription…
User gifts don't scroll further than first 1000
On any device, opening my gifts and scrolling down stops at exactly 1000 gifts and doesn't load any gifts further than that Steps to reproduce 1. Open my profile 2. Tap on Gifts 3. Scroll down 4. Reach…
Spam Blocks on +888 Anonymous Numbers
I am the creator of the @rental service and work alongside services like @rent. Anonymous numbers (+888) should not be subjected to spam block procedures, as this creates enormous problems for the market.…
Mobile notifications when active on desktop
When I'm actively chatting on the desktop app, if I get notifications in another chat, my phone rings for every notification, even though I'm active on the Desktop. There should be an idle period before…
in the telegram channel verification bot, an error occurs when filling out the verification application. I filled out the channel verification application in half and accidentally stopped the bot. Now…
Synchronization issues
On August 27, synchronization problems began. What do I mean? For example, I am subscribed to more than 50 channels and previously new messages in them were displayed instantly as the admins published…
Messages are not delivered to the recipient in secret chats
Some messages every now and then on secret chats wont get delivered, it will deliver when the other person opens the app or tries to send a message. Messages could be in limbo for a week, 2 weeks, a…
Telegram macOS (Swift version) is connecting to random IPs not owned by Telegram all the times
As shown in screenshots, the Telegram Swift Client is trying to connect to random IPs' 443 port. Those IPs are not owned by Telegram, and sometimes the IP is invalid (e.g. as in screenshots)…
x2 speed sound distortion in Desktop
x2 speed distorts audio in an unusual way Makes speech specially bad, but this sample of white noise shows enough Steps to reproduce 1. any chat 2. any playable media 3. Speed it up to x2 4. Notice the…
Deeplinks don’t work from external apps if the chat with the bot is already opened
Steps to reproduce 1. Open Telegram > Open the chat with the bot 2. Go to another app > Open a link with a deeplink parameter Current Result When the app is opened, the /start is not automatically sent…
Bot getUpdates can’t get new updates immediately if the message is too long in Chinese characters
Bot getUpdates can’t get new updates immediately if the message is all Chinese characters length from 3335 to 4096 Steps to reproduce Bot getUpdates can’t get new updates immediately if the message is…
In voice chat, when I get a voice call, I will be out of the voice chat
In voice chat, when I get a voice call, I will be out of the voice chat. while the voice chat is supposed to be just muted until the voice call is completed and then the voice of the voice chat returns…
Media sent before the upgrade to supergroup is missing in the shared media section
Related: [List of Issues] Upgrade to a Supergroup Same problem on iOS Steps to reproduce 1. Create a New Group 2. Send at least 40 photos or videos 3. Upgrade the group to supergroup For example by changing…
[MacOS] Web App sendData method doesn't working.
https://github.com/mihailgok/telegramwebapps/blob/main/index.html#L90 The code above shows example of implementation of Telegram WebApp and sendData method at line 90. In my first attached video I try…
Pinned messages appearance in closed topics (ipadOS)
Pinned messages in closed topics do not display on the top. Steps to reproduce 1. Group of over 1000 members 2. 55 topics, 3 closed 3. Pin the 1st message in the closed topic No pinned message is displayed…
Issue with Deleting Video Messages Resulting in Entire Channel Content Deletion
I am writing to report a critical issue I encountered with my Telegram channel. Recently, I sent several video messages in my channel (@seyed_bax) using the Telegram app on my iPhone. Shortly after sending…
Incorrect Search Ban for Quality channels
Incorrect Search Ban on one of The Largest Telegram Channel Steps to reproduce My Channel @Funny is one of the largest English Entertainment channel with Over 250K Subscribers & great Engagement. But…
Apple Watch App gone with 9.0.1 update
The integrated Apple Watch app is temporarily gone with the bug fix update 9.0.1.
Low quality of video previews in inline mode when combined with photos
Low quality of video previews in inline mode when combined with photos Steps to reproduce 1. Go to https://t.me/SavedImgBot. 2. Start the bot and send it some photos(!) and videos(!). One photo and one…
Implement Camera X for better quality (and zoom out videomessages)
Implement Camera X API like Telegram X
Can't delete own messages (even through the API) from the public chat when blocked there
Can't delete own messages (even through the API) from the public chat when blocked there Steps to reproduce 1. Join any public group and leave any messages there. 2. Then admins ban that user in that…
Bot Not Appearing in Telegram Search
Bot Not Appearing in Telegram Search Hello, I am facing an issue with my bot, Sublaunchbot. It can still be accessed directly via the link, but it does not appear in Telegram search results when trying…
Searching by hashtags does not work for files that are not images
Searching by hashtags does not work for files that are not images Steps to reproduce 1. Send a message in a public group with #hashtag 2. Send another one but this time make it a .7z file attachment with…
Inline bots don’t receive the chosen_inline_result update for messages that contains an InlineKeyboardButton when used by anonymous admins
Steps to Reproduce 1) As anonymous admin of a group use any inline bot that sends a message with an InlineKeyboardButton Current Result The bot doesn't receive the chosen_inline_result update. Expected…
Twitter links do not display previews anymore
sometimes, posting a twitter link doesnt display a preview of the twitter post image(s) in the example shown, I have 1 working preview, and 2 non-working preview Steps to reproduce 1. go to twitter.com…
400, Bad Request: chat not found
From time to time, I encounter errors (400, 'Bad Request: chat not found') while responding to users via the chatbot. There are no issues with the chat_id, as I retrieve it from the incoming message to…
Added links of messages, written before enabling topics, to words or phrases in topics don't work
With topics enabled in the group, "copy link" of a message, which was created before enabling topics and "add link" to a word or phrase, which is already n a topic.. This function stopped working correctly.…
Not all the topics in a group, created on Android device, show up on iPad
Not all the group topics, created and showing up fine on Android, show up on iPad Steps to reproduce 1. Group of >1000 members 2. Enable and create 54 or more topics with some messages inside each one…
Some message's links (posted in topics) don't lead to the targeted messages. The messages (on the links) were posted before enabling topics.
As the continuation of: https://bugs.telegram.org/c/22015 Links (posted on any topic of the group) of some messages (posted before enabling topics mode) don't lead to those messages. Probable reason:…
[VoiceOver] List of unreadable objects
These objects are available to use, but can't be read by device, so they get useless: Pending Cancel voice message https://telegra.ph/file/4c5d261acd9b383620d94.png Continue button (Start screen) h…
Calls iPad
The incoming call indication on a locked iPad does not stop if I answer a call on an iPhone or PC. The incoming call will be displayed until it is declined manually on iPad or until the iPad runs out…
Scroll overflow don't work in Web Apps for Bots
I'am create a Telegram Web Apps for Bots. I would like to make a static NavBar in my Web App for bot, where the scroll would be only on the content. I use css position: sticky for NavBar and overflow…
Telegram on iPad hangs on call screen and keeps the screen on
When somebody calls via Telegram and I take it on other device, Telegram on iPad hangs on call screen and keeps screen on. Steps to reproduce 1. Somebody calls 2. Take the call on other device 3. Telegram…
Telegram is not working on Android Auto since last update 10.4.5
Notifications not working on Android Auto after last update 10.4.5. Steps to reproduce 1. Go to Android Auto menu 2. You won't see Android Auto icon Device info Telegram Android 10.4.5 (42059), Samsung…
Rich notifications are not working
Rich notifications were supported for photos, stickers, and animated stickers, but they are not working anymore. Steps to reproduce 1. Close Telegram app 2. Receive notification message that has media…
pop-up notification error with 2 dialogs or more
Notifications are received incorrectly. I tried it on three different phones. If you receive 2 or more notifications from different dialogs at the same time, then 1 notification from 1 dialog appears…
Windows App - UI Scale/Resolution on multiple screens
On Windows with multiple screens of different resolutions, the app does not update its resolution. On a 2736 1824 screen we have to set the telgram resolution to 200% and on a 1920 1080 the application…
Problem with push notifications on iOS
Since the release of the iOS 15 beta version, Telegram has stopped receiving push notifications in a timely manner. The way iOS works is that if the app is completely closed, a push notification comes…
Spamming in discussion groups
The report points out a problem where fake accounts are causing trouble in a discussion group linked to a channel without actually joining the group. These accounts reply to other people's comments and…
video not playing
when I play any video sent by me or another user, there is sound, but the picture is static Steps to reproduce 1. I updated my system to windows 11 pro, it fully complies with the requirements of microsoft…
RTL for central Kurdish language
Central Kurdish language isn't RTL in translation platform The central Kurdish language is identified as an LTR language in the Telegram translation platform, even though it is an RTL language. Please…
chat_type "sender" instead of "channel" in miniapp after latest update 10.15.1
After the last update, the chat_type parameter of miniapps in channels does not return "channel", they are all "sender", creating a different chat_instance even though it is the same miniapp in the same…
Inline mode again doesnt work on iOS client!
Calling an inline share via chatbot buttons (like switchToChatButton) does not open the inline menu in the selected chat until the user clicks on the message input field and enters any character. Steps…
Issue mini app Android
Hi! We are working on a large-scale project, developing a mini app bot for a major company. During development, we encountered a bug that is causing issues on Android devices. Here’s the code we’re using…
Video cannot play on telegram web
Unfortunately, this video can't be play on Telegram Web. Try opening it wit our mobile app instead Steps to reproduce 1 Device info Telegram Web 2.1.0 K, Chrome 132
No audio in calls, video calls and group voice chats
When connecting to a group voice chat/voice call/video call, it is not possible to hear anyone and other participants are unable to hear you. Voice/video messages work without any issues. Steps to reproduce…