363 Cards
Update Telegram Web with all the missing functionality
Telegram Web has not been updated in a while and is missing many of the features introduced in the recent years. Workaround Until Telegram Web gets updated (soon 😉), it is recommended to use desktop.telegram.org…
The channel disappeared from the search after setting the username from fragment.com
After installing the Fragment.com username, the channel no longer appears in the search. The channel was completely empty. Steps to reproduce 1. Set up a username from Fragment.com 2. I entered @vavada_russ…
Login widget doesn't work
Login with oauth.telegram.org / oauth.tg.dev doesn't work I don't receive any code via telegram Steps to reproduce 1. Go to a website with Telegram Login widget 2. Tap on 'Login With Telegram' 3. Enter…
Cannot submit InstantView (I obtain "false")
This is a bug affecting this web platform since 2019: https://instantview.telegram.org InstantViews cannot be submitted to the Telegram team for review anymore. If you create a good template and click…
tatar language
Hi. Would you add a tatar language interface to Telegram web and other Telegram programs, please.
hello .@telegram suggestion: +18 gifs, images
hello .@telegram suggestion: it would be nice if there was a feature like timed toggling for media and sticker gifs in group settings. Some malicious people can also attack telegram groups by posting…
Disable smiley toolbar
An option to disable the smiley beside the chat. I keep hovering mouse over it on accident and the window enlargens and is annoying and obscures messages.
I tried to build api dev tools on my.telegram.org but I get an error for no reason
Recive error in my.telegram.org/auth Steps to reproduce Recive error in my.telegram.org/auth Device info My.telegram.org Chrom browser
Preview channel
Channel preview in web does not work for my channel. Any browsers. Channel is https://t.me/progamedev_net AND link https://t.me/s/progamedev_net for preview have no result. Steps to reproduce 1. Go to…
Server returned 501 for HEAD requests which does not conform to the RFC 7231
When I try to get only the headers of telegram domain, it returns 501 Not Implemented which contradicts the RFC 7231 Section 4.1 which clearly stipulates that "ALL general web servers MUST support methods…
Chat folders in web client
Inside the web client is not possible to view the chat in folders like on the desktop apps and the phone. This makes navigating through various chats a nightmare. A general alignment of the features of…
Possibility to translate profile pages in the browser
Profile page in the browser is in English but my language is Brazilian Portuguese.
Search for partial words not working in this bug platform
This bug platform has problem in the search. When I search for Brazil it does not show the cards which have Brazilian. It should perform partial search of words also. Steps to reproduce Go to the search…
24 hour time
option to switch time from 24 hr to 12 hr PLS!!
(Long) Document Name
A way to see full name of files/documents/audios when download.
How to delete my Telegram account?
To permanently delete your Telegram account: Go to this page and log in with your phone number. We'll send the login code in a Telegram message (not SMS). Only delete your account if you no longer want…
Cannot select message to reply/edit
I was using the supposedly latest version of Web. The one with dark mode. It is missing the option to select a message to reply to it or edit/delete it. Please don't be the kind of company that just removes…
Develop and handle only one web app of telegram.
Just make one web app from telegram and work on it instead of multiple web apps so that developers can focus on one thing only
Add touch gestures on Telegram Web (both K and Z versions)
Add touch gestures on Telegram Web (both K and Z versions). As "touch gestures" I mean the same ones present on the smartphone app (just like sliding the finger to reply or the switch the various folders).…
Discussbot (comments.app) comments widget image attachment broken.
Image attachment to comments.app widget is broken. Image is not attached to comment upon upload ends, server returns "Server error". Steps to reproduce On a website that has Discussbot (comments.app)…
web version does not have translation feature, please add
web version does not have translation feature, please add
Today we create a meeting link and send via telegram. That will be very helpful if telegram web have an option for remote desktop.
Add option shared desktop like teams / zoom/ Google meet.
Linkable messages
It would be really cool if one could get a link for a specific message. This way, I can refer people to messages or leave a link/reference on a document to a specific message. For example, I have a TODO.rst…
Hotkey to hide/open chats list on Desktop
Steps to reproduce 1. Tap hotkey to hide chats list in a moment if someone comes to your PC. 2. Tap it again to open it. Current result There's hard to hide and open chats list panel with mouse. Expected…
No captions on posts on t.me
There is no captions on posts with albums on t.me. Example: https://t.me/dvachannel/97458 Steps to reproduce 1. Post album with caption in channel 2. Open t.me link with this post in browser 3. There…
Channels opening in another tab
Please provide the ability of some channels opening in another tab
Vertical tabs for web app
Hello, it would be nice to have vertical tabs in web app (as option) as in the desktop app. I wrote a userstyle as a workaround: https://userstyles.world/style/9646/tabs-on-left-side-for-web-telegram…
Request for More Scheduled Posts on Telegram for Educational Content
Please add a minimum of 300 scheduled posts to Telegram. I'm in the process of creating educational material using your "test quizzes with multiple answers" feature. However, the issue I'm encountering…
Keyboard navigation in Telegram Web
Can we get keyboard support from telegram web? Currently, there is now way for a user to navigate Telegram with the keyboard. Let's take Whatsapp Web for example, where you can use tab to navigate through…
Web Legacy migrated to WebZ, now Waterfox Classic doesn't work
Web Legacy got migrated to WebZ on it's own. Waterfox Classic no longer works. Steps to reproduce 1. Go to web.telegram.org with a legacy instance 2. Notice it's now WebZ 3. Notice it stopped working…
No regression on space efficiency
I use telegram on desktop on the side, so I have it at 960x1040. In the old design I can easily follow a chat and have the list of chats open. In the new version the space available is wasted completely…
New Web-Version (K and Z) not accessible behind company firewall
New version of telegram web (Version Z and K) will not be accessible anymore behind many company firewalls due to using websockets. Those kind of connections are too easy to track and block, old web-verion…
cant scroll using the up arrow key, each time i try, it automates to "reply"[or is it edit?] on my last text in that group, i wiould like the option of using both up and down arrows to scroll through the chats/msgs
I cant scroll using the 'up' arrow key, each time i try to scroll UP using arrow, it either doesn't AT ALL, or automates to "reply"[or is it edit?] on my last text in that group, i would like the option…
Make able horizontal scroll between folders in telegram web.
I suggest developers to make able horizontal scroll between folders in telegram web/webK/webZ when the cursor is in the place of the folder names. Thanks.
Toggle for hover option over emoji or attachment so it can be disabled
Toggle option for hover opening of emoji/attachment so it can be disabled. I keep accidentally hovering emoji with my mouse and it constantly opens which is frustrating.
WebP support
Please add WebP support in "Attach -> Photo or Video"
New icons sucks... What was wrong with simple and readble checkmarks?
New icons sucks... What was wrong with simple and readble checkmarks?
'Latest Post' Widget needed for embedding in websites.
'Latest Post' Widget needed, not just a static link to one particular post. [This is for embedding the latest post from a public channel into a website (not about 'Telegram Web' app).]
turn off animations in favicon & tab title for less distraction (optional)
Whenever you get a new message, the Telegram icon is blinking on and off with a red light and the tab title jumps from "Telegram" to "1 new message" and back - ALL the time. This is very DISTRATING and…
Telegram Web privacy mode for public areas
A privacy mode for public areas: An option to censor conversations with profile picture except ongoing. Blur medias in conversations, when hover mouse on media, media will appear also.
closed captioning
we need a closed caption option for the deaf.. so many video's and news are not closed caption. This is a disgrace and disabled deaf people need to be able to follow everything that is posted.. thank…
Built-in translation on Telegram Web
Add the ability to translate messages in Telegram Web! On other platforms, this function is available, but on the web version it is not, and you have to translate messages from a smartphone or somehow…
The subdivision of groups into topics doesn't work
The subdivision of groups into topics doesn't work on the web version (https://web.telegram.org). It works on my cell phone, though. On the PC some messages are not exhibited ("message is not supported").…
post widget
Post Widget with custom emojis doesn't work in Safari and your current solution is not great. You can just place thumbnail instead of not allowing users to see the whole post because of 1 or N custom…
Bot getChat API reports error "Bad Request: chat not found", even if chat_id is correct.
When I use https://api.telegram.org/bot***/getChat?chat_id=-100*** I get a "Bad Request: chat not found" error. So I tried using @channelusername as chat_id and found it works fine https://api.telegr…
Video bug on Telegram Web
The video does not play. Only the audio is heard, but the image remains static. And if I put to enlarge screen, there is a black image. Steps to reproduce 1. Any video received 2. Tap on the play icon.…
Web profile background color/icon
Since "Your color" feature was introduced under "Appearance" settings for premium users, when visiting web profile URL via t.me it could reflect this color/icon setting instead of the standard green background.
webp/webm support
Please add support for WEBM/WEBP media
Audio Player Shuffle for Telegram Web
Audio player with shuffle feature as currently no other feature for telegram web beside loop playlist and loop single song (webK)
Reply Private (Direct) for Group Messages
Reply Private for Group Messages In other Messengers its possible to reply to a group message, but in a privat message directly to the sender. I use it often and miss it in telegram.