87 Suggestions
[Calls] Don't store the call entries if call was started from a secret chat
Call history entires for calls started from secret chats could be stored in the secret chat so users don't have to manually delete the cloud chat that is automatically created after finishing the call.
Support direct share
Support for direct share. It has been introduced for years, and the stock Telegram app has support for it as well. App: Telegram X for Android
Show the size of non-downloaded photos and videos
Users with media auto-download disabled would like to be able to see the actual size of each picture or video before downloading it. This is especially useful for users with limited data plans.
Option to hide the calls tab
An option to hide the calls tab App: Telegram X for Android
animated webp
display of animated webp
Search messages from users outside the group
On most Telegram apps, you can only filter messages sent by current members of the group, so there is no way to search for messages by users who were banned or left the group. Telegram Desktop already…
Limited WearOS support
Limited support for smart watches based on Wear OS, such as reading messages, reactions and sending audio messages
Channel Comments
Add a comment button to posts on channels with discussion groups. Comments show up in a cozy little thread of their own, but will also land in the discussion group to keep everyone in the loop and make…
voice chat telegram x
Voice Chat for Telegram X. Make it available for the groups
please Add the folders like tG
please add the folder to telegram X . like the telegram .
Translation button chat messages in telegram x?
The addition of a translate button to translate particular chat messages in Telegram X on Android. Like the translate button found in the original Telegram app. The first screenshot shows Telegram which…
An option to add shortcuts on the launcher (main screen), as in Android. Really miss that one thing!
Ability to unarchive chats from search results
Since most users already know how to use the search, allowing them to unarchive chats from search results may help to those users that archive chats by mistake and don't know how to bring them back to…
Update to Telegram X
When will the app be updated? It doesn't seem safe to install an application that hasn't been updated in almost a year. I like its features, but it needs to be updated to have the features of video calling…
Two-step password reset password in Telegram X
The new version still lacks a second password reset it is expected: In the next update, the password reset (two-step verification) will be published in Telegram X. Because for any reason, active users…
Ability to delete all the call entries
Some users could find useful to have an option to bulk delete all the call entries at once from the calls section. This option is currently available in the main Android app.
Hide saved messages to main menu
An option to hide saved messages from chats. You can still access it through main menu.
move connection status place in TGX
connection status (connected, connecting (to proxy)) should be moved to the up box, status bar isn't a good place to show it, cause 101% of current phones have notch or punch hole and it and the text…
New priority features
first, update the application. could add stories like WhatsApp, music you are listening to on the profile, and the same vibrate mode as MSN. thank you for making the best messenger app ever.
Global search Filter
Plz add that
Hi, please add comment section to telegram x so we can comment easily and without joining groups
Hi, please add a comment section to telegram x so we can comment easily and without joining groups
Giveaway options in Telegram X
Two things should be added to this program regarding the giveaway: 1- Full viewing of giveaway information that is sent to users as a gift through Telegram. 2- Full viewing of giveaway messages on channels…
"Edit/trim videos"
"Add feature to edit/trim videos in channels. For example, a 15-minute video. To be able to edit and trim the video to 2 minutes and only download two minutes of the edited/trimmed video."
"Add folders for channels in Telegram X."
"Add folders for channels in Telegram X. Organize and separate channels and chats. Channels should have a separate tab, just like WhatsApp. Add folders in Telegram X."
Chatbot AI
That's an interesting idea! Having an official ChatBot on Telegram X could definitely enhance the user experience and provide more interactive features. It would be great to have a platform for open conversations…
Video quality options
It should be possible to download videos in other qualities. Often, movie videos are in 1080p quality, which results in over 1 gigabyte of download. There should be an option to choose the video quality…
Separar e the channels and the conversations
Separate the channels and the conversations. The channels should have a separate tab, like WhatsApp, which has the updates, a separate tab from the conversations. Separate the tabs of the channels and…
Chatbot AI
Add artificial intelligence chatbot from Telegram itself. A chat to talk, ask questions, make suggestions and search for information on the internet. A chatbot like Google's Gemini, Meta AI from WhatsApp…
Filters for photos
Add artificial intelligence features to transform photos into anime style, 2D, 3D, and other styles. Use artificial intelligence to create filters for photos, crop, paste. Add these features to Telegram…
Save files with likes 🔥❤️
In English, your message would be: I wish there was a way to see the videos and photos I liked on Telegram X. I want to like a video and photos with emojis 🔥❤️ and then easily find the videos and photos…
Reset login email
Please add a feature for Telegram X, similar to the original version of Telegram, so that we can reset our email after 7 days if we do not have access to our login email. Also, when we don't have access…
Add filters for the Global search.
"Add filters for the Global search. Show results for photos, videos, chats, channels, and more. Search for example: #TomHolland and display results in a wall format for photos and videos, and a list format…
Send the stickers from Telegram X to other platforms like WhatsApp.
There should be a way to send the stickers from Telegram X to other platforms like WhatsApp. I want to use the stickers from Telegram X on WhatsApp. Where is the chat interoperability? It should save…
Add an uncensored language model, like Dolphin 2.5 (free).
Add artificial intelligence for Chat. Add an uncensored language model, like Dolphin 2.5 (free).
Add an option to search messages from all admins
An option to search the messages from all admins. Currently telegram support the option to search the messages from a particular person. But there is no option to search messages from all admins in groups.…
1. transferring the cache to an external memory card. 2. video call.
please tell me when you will make a transfer of the cache to the memory card and a video call in telegram x?
Add faster voice message playback to Telegram X (2x/1.5x)
Telegram X still does not support faster voice message playback like other Telegram apps (Desktop/Web/Android non-X). Adding it will bring feature parity between all versions as long as voice messages…
Increase the amount of time before an account is deleted automatically
An option to increase the before an account is deleted
Pop up note for each chat
I wish messengers like Telegram had a feature for a pop-up note that expires. This would also greatly help neurodivergent people. Just a note that pops up any time I open that particular chat, that deletes…
Removal of text "Connecting..." from notification bar
Removing the text "Connecting..." from the top of the notification bar, most phones today still have a "V", "U" or circular notch and this text is below this notch making it hard to see
An option for disabling "Connect Proxy" question popup window
When user clicks on a proxy, a popup window gets viewed, with two buttons. One for adding the proxy and another for cancelling the action. It is not a bad feature but many users don't need it. For many…
Make Telegram X more friendly to multitouch
There are likely several places where TGX is unfriendly to multitouch, and one of them is loading photos that won't load automatically due to settings. It's possible to use multiple fingers at a time…
A specific window like Downloads from chrome where we can see all the downloading media like files, videos, photos. This way we can resume half downloaded media. And one place where we can clear the thumbnails.We…
Account reset in case of forgetting two-factor password and no access to e-mail
In version X, unfortunately, it is not possible to reset the account (in a situation where access to the recovery email is not available and the two-factor password is forgotten). It is suggested that…
Change login email
It is not possible to change the login email in Telegram X. Please add this option, thanks.
The order of options in the three-point menu of contact profiles
It is suggested that in Telegram X, the first option in the three-point menu on the people's profile page is the add to contact or edit option. In my opinion, the start secret chat option is less used…
Create folders in Telegram
"There should be a way to separate conversations from channels. Creating folders to separate and organize channels in Telegram X. The folder feature needs to be implemented in Telegram X."
Edit and trim videos
It should be possible to edit, trim parts of a video. For example, if the video is 30 minutes long, it should be possible to trim 2 minutes of the video for download. Add native video trimming in Telegram…
Group channels in folders similar to archived chats
The channels added to folders should be like the chats in archived chats. Grouped in one place without cluttering the feed of the home page.
Watch videos without internet
Should consume less mobile data on Telegram X. Download and watch videos using less mobile data. Or provide a free VPN to watch videos without needing internet.