118 Issues
Media items from DC2 are not downloading with a specific ISP (BSNL) in India
Steps to reproduce 1. Try downloading media from a different DC from the connectivity test channel https://t.me/connectivity_test Current result All media except DC2 is downloaded Expected result All…
Search cleaning deleted my channel that did not violate the rules
Hello! After Telegram made the search cleaner. My channel, which has nothing to do with criminal activity, disappeared completely from the search. Many people knew me by my nickname on Youtube, but now…
Unknown people appear in the contact list
If you have contacts in your Telegram account which you don't recognize, you have most likely logged in on another person's phone – and uploaded their contacts to your account by accident. You can wipe…
Browser plain text
After updating the application version and the release of the built-in browser, we started encountering an issue with the app. When opening the built-in browser and navigating to links in a new tab, the…
Not possible to reply multiple time from a notification
No issue with WhatsApp Steps to reproduce 1. Reply to any notification Current result The notification disappears. Possible to reply to only one message from the notification. Expected result The notification…
telegram x
Running on Pixel 6 Pro, suddenly my secret chats are not receiving my messages, removed the app and restart and attempted again with a fresh install, but the same issue occurs. No issues with regular…
How to delete my Telegram account?
To permanently delete your Telegram account: Go to this page and log in with your phone number. We'll send the login code in a Telegram message (not SMS). Only delete your account if you no longer want…
Videos from camera app aren't visible in attach menu in Telegram X on Honor device
Steps to reproduce 1. Made any video by phone's camera. 2. Open any chat in Telegram X. 3. Open attach menu tapping on 📎. 4. Find and send that video. Current result You can't find that video in photo/video…
Deleting a group profile photo
When you delete one group profile photo, the entire group profile photo is deleted, all the details in the video Steps to reproduce When I try to delete one group profile photo but all group profile…
Handshake emoji (🤝) is not animated with tone modifiers
No issue on iOS and MacOS. Related: Same issue on Android and Telegram Desktop Steps to reproduce 1. Send one of these emoji: 🤝🏻, 🤝🏼, 🤝🏽, 🤝🏾, 🤝🏿 Current result The emoji is not animated Expected result…
Telegram X doesn't support account reset with 2FA
The current version of Telegram X on Android doesn't let users reset their account if they forgot their Two-Steps Verification password and can't access the recovery email (not set or lost access). Steps…
Insufficient blobbiness
Telegram X updated to Emoji 14.0, which includes the adorable little blob 🫠 "melting face". My emoji set in Telegram X is even set to "Blobs" and yet it appears like in the secondfirst screenshot. (For…
Telegram X outdated for Topics
Telegram X has once again been left out of an update, a lot of people actually use Telegram X over the main Telegram app and with the new Topics feature in groups, using Telegram X is way more confusing…
'Undo' is missing when deleting multiple chats
Related: 'Undo' is missing when deleting multiple chats [Android] Steps to reproduce 1. Select multiple chats 2. Click on the bin icon > Delete > Delete x chats Current result The 5 second Undo button…
Can't login from Telegram X - no support for QR code in Telegram X
Well, your Telegram X doesn't support QR-code login. I don't want to instal Telegram alogside Telegram X just to login with QR Steps to reproduce 1) Try to login with QR code to Telegram WebZ from Telegram…
Pixel 6 Pro horrible videomessages quality
horrible quality with video messages from pixel 6 pro (quality worse than any phone tested) ... it is so low that it even looks blurry. while recording normal videos the quality is correct Steps to reproduce…
show_above_text option of link_preview_options is not working as expected
Try to use InlineQueryResultArticle in answerInlineQuery with the link_preview_options of the input_message_content (InputTextMessageContent) set with the option show_above_text = TRUE. Steps to reproduce…
Telegram ignores the "Do not disturb"
Telegram ignores the "Do not disturb" mode and plays sounds from incoming messages Steps to reproduce 1. set up "Do not disturb" mode 2. ask someone to send a message 3. you will hear a sound signal Device…
Inconsistent Display of "messageEmpty`, in different official applications
You need a bot account and a test account. Set a Profile Photo on the test account. Add the bot to a group Use the bot api method getUserProfilePhotos with the ID of the test account Send the bot api…
Telegram X incompatibility with topics
Hello. Group with topics are not visible in Telegram X. As a result, it is not possible to send messages in them! Steps to reproduce Hello. Group with topics are not visible in Telegram X. As a result…
Link Preview is not generated for media greater than 2GB file_size
Link Preview is not generated for media greater than 2GB file_size Steps to reproduce 1. Send a media greater than 2GB to a chat or the @WebPageBot 2. Check the Link Preview Example Link: https://t.m…
SMS & Call Verification never arrives
When activating the app on Android, the SMS code and voice call options never arrive at my cell phone number. Nothing happens. Therefore I cannot verify my account. The only way verification works is…
Typing animations
Not all chats and groups have text typing animations Steps to reproduce 1. Open telegram 2. Look at your list with contacts and groups. 3. Ask somebody to write you. 4. Watch the typing on the main page…
App does not check current group permissions when you are restricting/unrestricting users
Related: Same issue on Android, Telegram Desktop, iOS and macOS Steps to reproduce 1. Go to any supergroup with a default permission disabled 2. Create a new permission exeption on a user OR remove one…
Autofill service bug Steps to reproduce Typing in the text chart. Device info Telegram Android X, Essential Products PH-1, 10 Q (29)
When I send videos the app crashes.
When I send a video to groups —with compression— the app crashes. Steps to reproduce 1. Go to any group. 2. Tap on the paperclip icon. 3. Select a video and tap send. 4. The app crashes! Device info Telegram…
Can't watch videos properly via the bar "videos" in channel properties.
once I opened a video it didn't start to play and I was forced to change it's time to start play. once when I played video in titles of group it was black. I played again and again it was still black.…
Telegram file sending UI is broken
When a friend or robot sends a file to me, the UI for sending the file displays an error, and a broken image appears Steps to reproduce 1 ,Let your friends or robots send you files 2 ,Exit the chat interface…
[Android X] Acc files can't be sought forward or reverse during their playing
Related: [Android] Acc files can't be sought forward or reverse during their playing Steps to reproduce 1. Download a .acc file 2. Play it Current result The file can be reproduced, but it's not possible…
File Download Issue
Download speed is very slow for files In some channels the download speed is Normal ( based on my internet speed ) But in many channels the speed is very slow even if size is only 100 MB This problem…
Photos slow to send
TheTheTheThe app is slow to select images to send and it takes multiple taps to get it to the sending screen for the picture. Steps to reproduce The app is slow to attach pictures and it takes multiple…
Disable sensitive content is not available on mobile app
Admin Dog Comment This is the expected behavior at the moment. It may change in future. The option "disable sensitive content filter" doesn't appear in my privacy settings Steps to reproduce 1. open settings…
Bot Keyboard Buttons Not Showing Completely in Landscape Orientation
While in landscape mode, the last bot keyboard button can't be viewed. The scroll bar hit the edge, but it is not possible to see the last row of button(s). Steps to reproduce 1. Put device in landscape…
Edited messages are not visible to the other Peer
User A edits the sent message in private chats to User B, after getting blocked by them. The edited messages are not visible to User B. Steps to reproduce Required Two Telegram Accounts to reproduce this…
Freeze when "Share via..." with added text
Sharing via external with text added causes the app to freeze. I have to minimize the app and re-enter to fix. Steps to reproduce 1. Select 'Share via..." in any external app 2. Select Telegram X 3. Select…
inConsistent display of InlineQueryResultPhoto in Telegram X
Use the @IMDbOT inline in any chat, after changing the /settings in the Bot PM to display InlineQueryResultPhoto instead of InlineQueryResultArticle. Telegram X does not display it in the same format…
Search does not work for emojis
When opening the in-chat search and entering an emoji, no results are found despite the emoji being part of messages. Steps to reproduce 0. Open a chat. Group chat or direct chat doesn't make a difference.…
Restriction of screenshot permission in Telegram X
This happens sometimes: When the internet connection is not established, after taking a few screenshots from some channels, the permission to take screenshots from the Telegram X program is suddenly limited.…
Hello I'm an amateur python developer, I use the open source telegraph third party library pyrogram wrote an application Let the user through the robot interaction login account, and then the user can…
Telegram links on X don’t open on Telegram apps itself Steps to reproduce Tapping the link on X is not working Device info telegram links on X app dont open on my actual telegram app
If someone is typing then "typing" doesn't show. I can't know whether the person is still or typing...
If someone is typing then "typing" doesn't show. I can't know whether the person is still or typing... Steps to reproduce If someone is typing then "typing" doesn't show. I can't know whether the person…
Telegram X | Banned | New Account
Hello, I loved Telegram X apps on Android. But I faceing a major problem in 1.5 years long. It's only happening on TG X. The problem is on TG X newly created account login or newly account creating getting…
Firebase Notification Hub encountered an error: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE
Firebase Notification Hub encountered an error: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE Steps to reproduce You have a big problem with firebase. Because of this problem, messages in channels do not arrive in real time…
BOT API sendDocument thumbnail parameter is not working correctly as per my expectation
BOT API sendDocument thumbnail parameter is not working correctly as per my expectation Steps to reproduce use sendDocument API with document and thumbnail parameter set. curl -i "https://api.telegra…
When sending a video via Telegram X the size became 3x larger (from 1.31GB to 3.91GB)
For some mysterious reason, uploading a 1.31GB video resulted in a 3.91GB video. When sending the video via Telegram X, it tripled in size and this is not acceptable. The video was uploaded in original…
The Telegram X is having audio issues. Often, it doesn't play sound. Steps to reproduce O Telegram X está com problemas de áudio. Frequentemente, ele não reproduz som. Device info Telegram Android X…
Number of unread messages should not be appended to the group name
The number of unread messages should not be appended to the group name. Steps to reproduce 1. Join a group 2. Receive messages 3. Check the notification Device info Telegram Android X…
At 23:58, messages cannot be scheduled for the next day
At 23:58, messages cannot be scheduled for the next day. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but I schedule messages before midnight every night, and every single time I have to stop and wait for a full…
Telegram ci vuole tempo quando premo il tasto per allegare un file o una foto o un contatto ecc...
the system takes time to respond when I click the icon to attach and then there are no videos. Steps to reproduce 1. Go ti any private o public group 2. Tap on the paperclip icone. 3. it takes time to…
App crashes when entering a group chat
When I pressed the small arrow at the right down part of screen to get to newest message in a group chat, app crashed immediately and now when I try to just enter that group chat app crashes to my phone's…