99 Issues
[VoiceOver] List of unreadable objects
These objects are available to use, but can't be read by device, so they get useless: Pending Cancel voice message https://telegra.ph/file/4c5d261acd9b383620d94.png Continue button (Start screen) h…
[VoiceOver] List of inaccessible objects
These objects are inaccessible by VoiceOver: Pending New Message and Edit Button in Chat List (It was working in version 7.4 as you can see clicking here) https://telegra.ph/file/0bf4e6013423ed1a4b7a9.png…
[VoiceOver] Swipe/flick right or left with one finger should select the next/previous item and scroll the list
When selecting an item and swiping/flicking right or left with one finger, VoiceOver should select the next or previous item and don't go out of the chat history when reaching the limit of the visible…
Accessibility in Telegram desktop for blind users
Hello, Telegram desktop is not accessible for blind users. Screen readers don't read nothing for them when they open Telegram desktop. Steps to reproduce 1. run your screen reader like NVDA 2. Open Telegram…
When I scroll the page with voiceover. Just a few items to scroll by swiping from left to right. After swiping a few items, to read more items either in chats or on the main page of Telegram, we have…
[TalkBack] Revise how links are shown in text messages
Telegram shows links in messages like WhatsApp. It’s not good for messages that have lots of links or hashtags. For example, as you see in my video, my message has five links. For reading this message…
[VoiceOver] Not possible to react to messages
I can't react to incoming messages. Well in a group and not even in particular. I also cannot find out if the message I sent received any reaction from the recipients. Steps to reproduce Incoming & outgoing…
[VoiceOver] The content of ReplyMarkup buttons is not read
Steps to reproduce 1. Open a bot with a ReplyMarkup keyboard (e.g @SpamBot) 2. Tap on the icon to show the keyboard 3. Tap on a button Current Result The content of the button can't be described by VoiceOver.…
[TalkBack] Not possible to answer or decline a call
With TalkBack activated, it is not possible to answer or decline a call from the fullscreen notification that is received when the device is locked. Steps to reproduce 1. Activate TalkBack in Android…
[VoiceOver] Slidable options are not accessible
While using VoiceOver, sliding options are not available to use and also it's not readable. Here is a list of inaccessible sliders (the list may be incomplete): Maximum cache size (Settings > Data and…
[VoiceOver] Modern share/forward menu is inaccessible
Steps to reproduce 1. Share anything to Telegram for the share sheet to open (arrow next of a message in a channel). 2. When the share menu opens, try to navigate or select any chats. Current result…
[VoiceOver] Profile picture button is incorrectly read
Steps to reproduce 1. In any chat select the profile picture, so it is read by VoiceOver Current result VoiceOver reads 'button'. Expected result VoiceOver reads 'open profile' or 'NAME's profile picture'…
[VoiceOver] Buttons at the bottom of groups/channels are not read
Steps to reproduce Case 1: Join button 1. Go to a public group/channel (e.g @Durov) 2. Tap at the bottom, where Join button is placed Case 2: Mute/Unmute buttons 1. Go to a channel where you are already…
[VoiceOver] Unreadable menu: Settings
First item of each table in Main menu on Settings page of iOS app is accessible but unreadable.
[VoiceOver] Top non-icon buttons (Back, Edit, Cancel, etc.) are too small
The area for back, edit, cancel or other text buttons on top bar are too small. This also makes the area above those buttons select an object from layer below.
[VoiceOver] Lists and messages should not be scrollable using one finger
If you hold your finger and read messages at the edge of the window, it starts scrolling up/down. That is unexpected, and only three fingers swiping should scroll them up/down.
[VoiceOver] Calls list doesn't read if the call was video or voice call
Steps to reproduce 1. Open calls tab 2. Tap on a recent call Current result It doesn't read if the call was video or voice call Expected result It should read "Outgoing/Incoming video/voice call"
[VoiceOver] There is no audible feedback when changing the screen
When we open a Chat, Group or channel to read the messages or access the Settings, Contacts, Chats and Calls tabs, VoiceOver does not emit the audible Feedback saying that any of these items has been…
[TalkBack] Clickable URL on user bio is not accessible for blind users.
Clickable URL on user bio(t.me, telegra.ph, telesco.pe, and telegram.org ) was presented in Telegram 7.2 is not accessible for blind users. For fixing this bug, use following guideline. You used this…
Incompatibility between UISwipe Navigation and UIScrollView Navigation functions in Telegram app using VoiceOver
I have noticed that the "UIScrollView Navigation" function is not automatically activated when using the "UISwipe Navigation" function with VoiceOver. This makes it difficult and inconvenient to scroll…
[VoiceOver] Inaccessible folder tabs
By using VoiceOver, folders are not readable and also not accessible from top tabs.
[VoiceOver] Not possible to dismiss context menu anywhere directly
Any pop-up menu should have a dismiss area that contains anywhere outside of the accessible contents. But instead, tapping outside of the menu reads below layer of the app. The issue happens on chat preview…
[VoiceOver] Accessing sliding menus conflicts with layer below it
While using a sliding menu like Proxies, Folders, include/exclude chats of folders, Music player, Pins, New contact, Add or block users in privacy settings, text size, send media, Voice Chats, New Call…
[VoiceOver] Languages, Devices and Stickers panel are not accessible
If you open Languages, Devices or Stickers (containing main, masks and trending stickers) the list is completely not accessible and readable.
[VoiceOver] Navigate back gesture makes the app blank on a page with no back
By doing the two-fingers scrub gesture on screens that there is no more back button (like chat list or settings screen), the screen goes blank.
[VoiceOver] Missings Translations
Some texts are being read by VoiceOver always in English: Fixed - The Send button when recording a voice message; - The info Message from and Outgoing message read on the home screen; - The Forwarded…
[VoiceOver] Slow mode remaining time is not read
In a group with the slow mode activated, the time remaining to be able to send the next message is not said. When trying to send a voice message, a warning box appears and is not read.
[VoiceOver] “Reply to your message” is read twice
Steps to reproduce 1. With VoiceOver activated press on a message, which was sent as a reply to another message Current result VoiceOver reads Reply to your message twice Expected result VoiceOver reads…
[VoiceOver] Not possible to adjust the volume of a participant in a voice chat
Steps to reproduce 1. In a voice chat open the context menu of a user 2. Tap the area with the volume slider Current result Volume slider is not accessible Expected result Volume slider is accessible…
[VoiceOver] The number of participants in a voice chat is not read
Steps to reproduce 1. Join any voice chat 2. Press the text with the number of members currently in a voice chat Current result VoiceOver doesn't read anything Expected result VoiceOver reads the number…
[VoiceOver] Unable to control the playback of the voice message while the message is playing
It is impossible to find a player to control the playback of voice message with VoiceOver while the message is playing. Steps to reproduce 1. Play a voice message Current result It is impossible to find…
[VoiceOver] Scheduled messages, Silent broadcast and stickers buttons not accessible
It's not possible to access Scheduled messages, Silent broadcast and stickers buttons beside the text box.
[VoiceOver] Missing information: number of unread messages
VoiceOver does not read information the number of unread messages on the home screen, or inside a group and private chat.
[VoiceOver] Can't listen to a voice message in a reply to a message
Voice messages sent or received in response to a message cannot be played by VoiceOver. Workaround Listen to a previous voice message and wait for it to play the next one. Steps to reproduce 1. Highlight…
[VoiceOver] Duration of voice messages always in seconds
Voice messages longer than 59 seconds are being read as TIME seconds. For example, a 2-minute voice message is being read by VoiceOver as Duration: 120 seconds. It should convert to minutes and say the…
[VoiceOver] The chat saved messages are labeled with the user name
VoiceOver reads the title of saved messages as the user's name. Example with a user named Mike Current Result: Mike message from Mike Expected Result VoiceOver should read Saved Messages and tell who…
[TalkBack] The number of comments on the post is not read
Steps to reproduce 1. Enable TalkBack 2. Go to a channel with comments. 3. Move focus to comments button Current result TalkBack will read only comment or comments without number. Expected result TalkBack…
[TalkBack] Not possible to access Archived Chats
Steps to reproduce 1. Activate TalkBack 2. Try to make appear Archived Chats by dragging down the chats list Current result Not possible to drag down the chats list Expected result Should be possible…
[TalkBack] Incoming voice messages in public chats are not announced by swiping left
When I start to read messages by swiping left, Talkback play nothing when I reach a voice message. But by swiping right, no issue. Steps to reproduce 1. Go to any public chat that has an incoming voice…
[VoiceOver] The sent/read/play status of outgoing text/voice message isn't read
When we send a message, voiceover does not tell the status of the message whether is it being send, or its sent, or its delivered, or read/play by recipient. This information is very critical and should…
[VoiceOver] Central button is not accessible in a voice chat
Steps to reproduce 1. With VoiceOver enabled open a voice chat 2. Press the central button (raise hand button or the microphone button) Current result The central button is not accessible. Elements behind…
[VoiceOver] Change appearance button is not read in a voice chat
Steps to reproduce 1. Join a voice chat in a public channel 2. Press your profile picture in the top left corner of the voice chat screen Current result VoiceOver does not read the button Expected result…
[VoiceOver] Participant's name is not read in a voice chat
Note This issue does not happen if the voice chat is joined via group's/channel's profile Steps to reproduce 1. Open Calls tab 2. Join a voice chat from the list of active voice chats at the top 3. Press…
[VoiceOver] Voice chat's title is not accessible
Steps to reproduce 1. Join any voice chat 2. Press the title of the voice chat Current result VoiceOver doesn't read anything Expected result VoiceOver reads the title of the voice chat or group's/ channel's…
[VoiceOver] Right side of the screen is inaccessible on iPad
When VoiceOver screenreader is enabled on the iPad, nothing is spoken when touching the right area with chat messages/settings. Steps to reproduce Case 1: Chat Messages 1. Open telegram and select any…
[VoiceOver] Not possible to correctly select files
Steps to reproduce 1. Tap on a message > Tap on Select on context menu to enter select mode 2. Try to select a file Current result Most of the time the file is opened, you can't properly select it. Expected…
[Voice Assistant] Blind users cannot adjust the granularity of what Voice Assistant reads for them.
Blind users, who use Voice Assistant (screen reader), can not read the messages character by character in Telegram. They don’t have this issue in WhatsApp. You can find Voice Assistant in Samsung devices…
[TalkBack] Moving beyond messages
Blind user can not pass the messages with long passage easily with one swiping. They have to swipe several times to move beyond them. Steps to reproduce 1. Open a channel. 2. Find some messages with long…
[VoiceOver] Attach menu items aren't all readable and tapable
Untapable items on attach menu: Attach menu tabs (Gallery, File, Location, Poll, Contact) Images on main Gallery page (images in albums are all readable and tapable) Caption field Recently sent files…
The chats list is not being properly read by talkback on android.
When I flick through the chat list on telegram's main window using talkback, Some chats are not being read. Steps to reproduce 1. Enable talkback function and open telegram main window. 2. Start flicking…