1365 Cards
Chat preview for desktop apps
Related: Chat preview for mobile apps A feature to preview chats without marking them as read, e.g. by hovering the cursor over a profile picture in the Chat List > Preview Chat.
[Folders] Mark a folder as read
Add the ability to mark all chats in a folder as read on mobile and desktop apps.
Double-time playback for shorter audio files
2x playback is currently available for voice and video messages, as well as any audio files longer than 20 minutes. It could be expanded to audio files of any length. Use cases Handy when listening to…
Telegram macOS (Swift version) is connecting to random IPs not owned by Telegram all the times
As shown in screenshots, the Telegram Swift Client is trying to connect to random IPs' 443 port. Those IPs are not owned by Telegram, and sometimes the IP is invalid (e.g. as in screenshots)…
Allow automatically downloading files/media from a specific channel
Allow automatically downloading files/media from a specific channel, so that all new files/media posted to the channel are automatically downloaded to the user's device. I'm aware there is already a setting…
Show formatted text from the chat list
It could be useful to see Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough and Monospace format of text messages from the Chat List. Telegram X is the only app which display it, as you can see on the last screenshot.
[MacOS] Web App sendData method doesn't working.
https://github.com/mihailgok/telegramwebapps/blob/main/index.html#L90 The code above shows example of implementation of Telegram WebApp and sendData method at line 90. In my first attached video I try…
Show notification previews when the app is locked with a passcode
An option to see previews with the sender's name and message text in notifications – even when the app is locked with a passcode. Partial Workaround This feature is available in Telegram X for Android.…
RTL text support on MacOS Telegram
As It's clear by the image, RTL Languages like Persian & Arabic, appear in LTR direction. Issue appears in MacOS app specifically.
Big Sur Interface Design Refresh
Right now, Telegram macOS looks like a mediocre copy of the iPad app stuck onto the Mac. It would be awesome if Telegram could get a design refresh to match the look of Big Sur and "Mac-assed Mac apps"…
Make it easier to set up a username by disallowing to type banned characters
Users don't understand that some character are banned in usernames, and they try with: emoji, space, ñ, áéíóú, @ at the start, etc. I think it'd be better to prevent the user from entering these characters…
Option to access groups/channels you left and you're the owner
An option in settings that let you access to a list of groups/channels you are the owner and you have left but they still exist and there is no way to recover since there are nobody in them or the invite…
Sharing webp images makes them act like stickers
When uploading images that use the webp format, Telegram app forces them to be stickers. I'm unable to click or tap on them to get a larger view on macOS and iOS clients. Steps to reproduce 1. Download…
'Contact joined Telegram' notifications create new chats
Related: If you see notifications about people you don't know, please see this card. When new users from your contact list join Telegram, a notification about this appears in the chat list. The New…
[M1 Chip] App freezes when camera is activated with a video call
Steps to reproduce 1. Start a video call. OR 2. Start a voice call activate camera to switch to video call. Current result The app freezes and needs to be relaunched. Expected result Video call works…
No background noise suppression
Telegram apps detects that certain sounds aren't speech (e.g. keyboard clicking), and doesn't light up the mic visually, but it still sends the sound to other participants in a group voice chat. Steps…
'Nobody' option in 'Profile Photos' privacy
This is useful in cases you need to add someone to contacts who isn't very close to you (seller, buyer, boss, etc), so you prefer to keep your profile picture hiden to them. Telegram X for Android has…
Icon in the menu bar looks not well with light background
The icon in the menu bar looks not well with light background. On a dark background everything is good though. Steps to reproduce 1. Set a light background in System Settings > Desktop 2. Open Telegram…
Incoming messages continue to be marked as read when Telegram window in closed
Initial data: Telegram is the foreground active app. In the chats list, a chat with another user is selected, the correspondence is displayed on the right. So, if close the window right there (using cmd+w…
Sticker suggestions for emoji no longer work after AI sticker search update
When I type an emoji in the chat message bar, Telegram no longer suggests stickers associated with that emoji from the packs I've added. Steps to reproduce 1. Go to Settings -> Stickers and Emoji 2. Change…
Telegram clients doesn't support MarkdownV2
Official Telegram clients doesn't support MarkdownV2 specification described in https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#markdownv2-style E.g. if I try to send add language name for syntax highlighting, this…
webapp telegram mac desktop
Webapp doesn't works in Telegram Desktop for Mac. Buttons appears, but when I click it nothing appears. No warnings, no messages, no windows. Steps to reproduce 1. Start a bot 2. Go to the menu with a…
Gender-neutral versions of emojis are displayed in the list of recently used emojis
Steps to reproduce 1. Send an emoji, which is not gender-neutral 2. Open emoji pannel and have a look at the list of recently used emojis Current result Gender-neutral version of that emoji and the gender…
[Chat list] Hide preview for secret chats
Have an empty chat preview on the main page for secret chats, that way people near you can see if you are showing them a different chat.
RTL text support in text input
Hello Telegram team, Thank you for adding RTL support in the latest update. However, as you can see in the attached screenshot, there are still issues with text input when using right-to-left (RTL) languages.…
Unable to Withdraw TON Rewards After Accumulating Over 10 TON
I have been accumulating rewards in TON for several months since the feature to post ads in channels was activated. I have now generated over 10 TON. Previously, I was unable to withdraw my rewards, and…
Export chats on Telegram for Mac
An option to export chats
Verification code does not arrive when using SMS
When I try to register a new account or log into an already existing account from any desktop app or web app no SMS with the code is recieved. Device info Any Desktop app or Web app Admin Dog comment…
Add "click/touch to.select color" to image editor
Add a colour dropper (selector) to the picture editor, so that you can exactly click somewhere to select the existing colour when you draw on the image, not have to guess a match on the colour bar.
Multiple windows of app
Ability to open multiple windows for collaboration in multiple chats
MacOS Telegram still reads messages after closing
There seems to be like a new bug on MacOS Telegram (2-3 weeks old now) Let's say I was chatting with someone and I just close the app with Command+W (which closes window, but does not quit the app). After…
Scheduled messages in a single place
the possibility to see all scheduled messages in a single place like the replies.
Messages are marked as read even if the window is not focused. No notifications are sent on macOS or to phone.
Messages are marked as read even if the window is not focused. No notifications are sent on macOS or to phone. Steps to reproduce 1. Just launch the app on macOS 2. Close the window 3. New messages coming…
Url character escaping happens twice when click in some cases
When I click on the link containing at the same time characters [ and |, then the charater | become escaped twice, so I see %7C instead of | Steps to reproduce 1. Send a raw url https://www.google.co…
Unknown people appear in the contact list
If you have contacts in your Telegram account which you don't recognize, you have most likely logged in on another person's phone – and uploaded their contacts to your account by accident. You can wipe…
Include active chat name in window title
I use time tracking software on my Mac that reads window titles and applies rules to classify my time. It would be awesome if Telegram put the name of the contact, group, or channel that's currently open…
ability to turn off not read message count on specific channels and avoid to push it to the top once a new post is available (such setting need to be sync between all apps)
ability to turn off not read message count on specific channels and avoid to push it to the top once a new post is available (such setting need to be sync between all apps)
Keyboard shortcut for Schedule or Send without sound
I use Schedule-send and Quiet-send a LOT. It would be amazing if I could press Option+Enter for Quiet-send and Control+Enter for Schedule-send. Now these two shortcuts are wasted; they all do the same…
"Suggest stickers by emoji" breaks if set to "My Sets" on 11.5.269855
When "Suggest stickers by emoji" is set to "My Sets", sticker suggestions by emoji are fully disabled and no results are returned at all. "Suggest Stickers by Emoji: My Sets" is currently nonfunctional…
Search messages from users outside the group
On most Telegram apps, you can only filter messages sent by current members of the group, so there is no way to search for messages by users who were banned or left the group. Telegram Desktop already…
Video playback speed does not change
Video playback speed does not change on macOS. Steps to reproduce Go to any video. Click on it to play. Notice, that speed couldn't be changed Device info Telegram macOS 8.3 (223729), MacBook Pro 16"…
Animated Stickers are not displayed on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7
After the last Telegram update the animated stickers stopped working: they are displayed as glitched, blinking green contours. After I reopen the app, the animated stickers are shown again for a few seconds…
Impossible to forward a message to another topic
Impossible to forward a message to another topic from the same group Steps to reproduce 1. Be in a topic view of a group 2. Select a message 3. Forward it to another topic in the same group Current result…
Bug with Seamless Telegram Login
No user data is sent when trying to sign in by using Seamless Telegram Login. Steps to reproduce 1. Send message with LoginUrl by bot. 2. Click login button with LoginUrl in the message. 3. Click the…
Hide Telegram icon from Dock when tray icon is enabled
An option to hide the Telegram icon from Dock when tray icon is enabled
Memory leak
A memory leak after common use of telegram. After a while, I noticed a slowdown in the computer, and then a system warning appeared that there was not enough memory. The screenshot shows that more than…
Add YouTube player built into the app
Please, add YouTube player in app for YouTube video links. MacOS app have only built in player for Vimeo video link, but not YouTube. If I send YouTube video link to MacOS app it is only redirects to…
In voice recordings, add «in-between» and «end» feedback sounds when playing them automatically one after the other
Feedback sounds that play: in-between sound for chained voice messages being played automatically one after the other. end sound to indicate to the user that the last voice recording has ended. This…
[Store version] App crashes when trying to send location with Location Services access disabled
Workaround Go to macOS System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Location Services > Give Telegram access to your location Steps to reproduce 1. Have Location Services access disabled in macOS System…
Read reactions are not synched across clients
When I see (read/mark as read) reactions on my Android client, they do not become read on my other Telegram macOS client. Steps to reproduce 1. Receive a reaction to any of my messages, e.g in a private…